About Us

News Public Trust

Public Trust Media Group (PTMG)

Is PTMG a business?
Yes, it is a business but one with a marked difference—a big public focus where the entire nation and the audience is considered our business partners: to provide a public platform for the exchange of views in a fair and professional manner; irrespective of race, creed, ethnicity or socio-political and economic affiliations.

We are dedicated to promoting responsible, open and frank exchange of ideas–to agree to disagree, through dialogue and not antagonism with malice to no one.

Although no business can survive without profit, profit for PTMG is not our exclusive concern; granted that to adequately serve the public interest, we must be able to break even.

However in so doing, we shall not negate our public service and loose the public trust principally for profit motive. Ours is an entity that sees itself as a private creature with a public heart.

Our success shall not only be measured by the thickness of our balance sheet, but also by the height and depth of the public trust that is measured through the quality of our service to the public.

This entity is conceived as one growing incrementally into a sizable/large, manageable and modern multimedia outfit. Its various components work in harmony under the supervision of the Managing Partners, who shall be career media people.

Blending the rich experience of the past with the present to build a brighter future

Mission: We are on a mission with a vision to serving the public good with integrity, through credible, accurate, reliable, fair, balance and courageous coverage of the news in real time.

  • To engage in publication of newspaper and magazine on the Liberian news stands
  • To engage in broadcast of news items as well as providing information and education to the Liberian public
  • To engage in broadcast of advertisements/publicity as well as other forms of information in the public’s interest
  • To engage in the conduct of surveys and research works for individuals, institutions as well as international organizations across the country
  • To engage in communication as well as outreach services in media and related areas
  • To do any act/acts, activities, perform all functions and engage in all other activities as a business corporation within the Republic of Liberia may lawfully engage in or undertake

PTMG management structure:


This entity shall have an Advisory Board who will actively (by its name) play an advisory role and shall command moral authority and shall meet quarterly.

PTMG Advisory Board members

  1. Calixte Hessou–Chairman
  2. Ebenezer Robinson—Co-Chairman
  3. Baindu Ken
  4. John W. Sainworla
  5. Peter Quaqua
  6. Edwin Fayiah
  7. Sam Wai Johnson
  8. Moses D. Sandy
  9. Melissa Chea-Annan

The Executive Board consisting of the Managing Partners shall serve as the highest decision making body.
The day to day administration of the entity shall be conducted by Managing Partners who shall serve as a collective governance structure for the company, with powers distributed equitably through their respective oversight functions, and with the Senior Managing partner coordinating the activities of the Executive Board and entity.
• PTMG shall be allowed to grow and eventually develop into a huge media conglomerate from one stage to another
• Depending on the availability of resources, it shall kick off with online service, newspaper and later radio incrementally leading to television (TV)
• Online publication—shall include texts, sounds, pictures (audio and video)
• Initially, PTMG sounds shall be accessed through subscription—media houses and others can subscribe
• The Newspaper and website will be launched simultaneously, if funds are not available to immediately begin the radio service. The paper will start of as a bi-weekly publishing every Monday and Saturday for the first six months of inception

Public Trust Media Group (PTMG)
Monrovia, Liberia
Cell: (231) -888311579/(231) 886514357/(231) 886537776
(231) 770755173/(231) 886514357/(231) 777248969
