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Who set up fake Liberian Foreign Minister’s Facebook account?

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-Foreign Ministry terms Facebook account “devilish and misleading”

Monrovia-The Liberian Foreign Ministry on Wednesday said a fake Facebook account in the name of the Minister of Foreign Affairs Hon. Gbehzohngar Findley has been set up, with the pattern of posting false information on social media.

In a press statement on March 6, 2019, “The Ministry, in the strongest term, condemns the action of those connected to what it terms as a low diatribe that is being politically influenced and thereby wishes to categorically distance the Minister from such account on Facebook.”

The Ministry has therefore informed the general public that the Facebook account “Gbehzohngar Findley” is a fake account and does not belong to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Liberia. The Ministry further wishes to clarify that Minister Findley does not have any Facebook account or accounts as portrayed on the social media.

A Foreign Ministry release is warning those purporting  to be the Minister of Foreign Affairs on Facebook to refrain from such act as it does not only undermine the social values of our society but also violates Facebook’s terms that frown at fake accounts.

One of the users of these fake accounts recently uploaded a post with the caption CEC/UNICEF CANNAD SECRETARIATE’, something the Ministry describes as devilish and misleading. 

The Ministry has termed the action of those involved in creating this fake facebook account in the name of the Minister as a malicious scheme intended not to only besmear the character of the Minister of Foreign Affairs but to also bring him to public disrepute.

During this crucial time in our country history as the Minister of Foreign Affairs is exerting frantic efforts in promoting the economic diplomacy of the country, it is sadden to see people involving themselves with a low level politics.

The Ministry is however, warning those behind the smear social media campaign to discontinue as efforts are being mobilized with Facbook to deactivate such accounts and to establish the actual identity of those involved while legal action is being initiated.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is meanwhile calling on the general public not to consider any Facebook account in the name of the Minister of Foreign Affairs Gbehzohngar Milton Findley.

As the Dean of the President’s Cabinet, Minister Findley focuses on promoting the Pro Poor Agenda of the Government of Liberia as enunciated by H. E.  Dr. George Manneh Weah, President of the Republic of Liberia.

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