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Ex-Finance Min. Tweah Being Made To Account Also For Internal Auditor Nyeswa’s Death

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He Shows Up Wednesday To Honour Police Invite, As Criminal Court Prevents Tweah And Others From Leaving Liberia, issues “Ne-exeat Republica”

PHOTO: (L-R) Late IAA boss, Emmanuel Barthan Nyeswa and former Finance Min. Samuel Tweah heeding to Police Invite

By Garmah Never Lomo,

Monrovia- Switching from answering to public corruption charges, former Finance Minister Samuel Tweah has honoured a Liberia National Police invitation to answer questions in connection with the mysterious death of former head of the Internal Audit Agency (IAA), Emmanuel Barthan Nyeswa in the former CDC government.

Barley a week after the former Finance Minister was seen at Criminal Court “C” at the Temple of Justice after being indicted by the Liberian government over an alleged corruption scandal, he has again heeded to a long-awaited invitation from the Police through the cold case unit. This time in connection to Nyeswa’s death.

Tweah and other former Ministers in the CDC government were invited along with ex-ministers of Health, the former National Port Authority (NPA) Managing Director, now Senator Bill Twehway and others for questioning in connection of the mysterious death of former Internal Audit Agency (IAA) boss Emmanuel Barthan Nyeswa.

Mr. Tweah was represented by a team of lawyers at the Liberia National police headquarters today, Wednesday October 2,2024.

Former Minister Tweah and lawyers  leaving the police headquarters after nearly one hour of questioning

Mr. Nyeswa’s lifeless body was found in his yard in the 72nd community in in the Paynesville suburb of Monrovia in October 2023.

After his mysterious death, the official account was that the former head of the IAA had fallen from the balcony of his home at night, after returning from an entertainment center in Monrovia’s Congo Town suburb.

Police Inspector General Gregory Coleman told a news conference at the Liberia National Police headquarters in Monrovia today, Tuesday July 23, 2024 that they have invited several persons of interest and held interviews with them in connection to the death of Mr. Nyeswa.

Those persons of interest invited are, Cllr. Norris Tweh, Dr. Emmanuel Wreh, Mr. James Thompson, Ms. Tina J. Mort, Mr. Gibson H. Tumbay, Mr. Robert S.M. Ketter, Mr. Musa Sesay, Ms. Hawa Mienwipia, Ms, Florence Zeanbaon and Mr. Joe Tokpah.

In the coming week, the LNP says it has also invited and request the appearance of the below persons of interest to provide pertinent information to the team of investigators of the Cold Case Unit Crime Service Department reference their presence at the JKF Memorial Hospital immediately after the incident which occurred at victim Emmanuel Barthan Nyeswa’s 72ndresidence community.

Former Health Minister Dr.Wilhelmina Jallah, former Finance Minister Samuel D. Tweh, Former National Port Authority Managing Director now Senator of Rivercess County Bill Twehway and Mr. Teakon Williams.

In another development, Criminal Court “C” at the Temple of Justice on October 1,2024 issued a writ of Ne-Exeat Republica on former Finance and development planning Minister Samuel D. Tweah, former Solicitor General Nyanti Tuan, Stanley S. Ford, former Director General Financial Intelligence Agency, D. Moses Cooper former Controller General Financial Intelligence Agency and Jefferson Karmoh former national security adviser to President George Weah.

The writ says, where as it had been represented by his honor Blamo Dixon resident Circuit Court first Judicial Circuit Court Assizes “C” for Montserrado County Republic of Liberia sitting in its August A.D 2024 term that the petitioner Republic of Liberia thru the Ministry of Justice herein filed before this court an application for Ne-Exeat Republic that defendants herein the above captioned case are about to leave from the bailiwick of Liberia to a foreign parts to the surprise of the petitioner/ plaintiff and the Assigned Judge having been duly stratified upon the application filed by the petitioner order writ of Ne-exeat Republica issued.

According to the writ, the defendants should only be arrested if they are leaving bailiwick of the country without court permission.

“You further commanded to arrest the living bodies of the defendants named above captioned case and bring forthwith bring them before this court upon their arrest “and subsequently take their passports and return same over to the sheriff of Criminal Court “C” Tina D. Morring for Montserrado County if they are attempting to leave the bailiwick of the country.

The writ further says, You are further commanded to arrest the defendants if they are attempting to leave the bailiwick of the country without court permission, aforesaid to make their formal appearance in court and thereafter make your official returns endorsed at the back of this writ as to the form and manner of its service thereof and for so doing, constitute its legal and sufficient authority.

However, if the court is closed and defendants cannot be submitted to the court,you shall commit them until the next working day and hour when you shall have brought to the court except the defendants produce a court clearance authorizing their departure from the bailiwick of the country.

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