
Tubman University graduates 208 students in Harper, Liberia

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-6 students get Magna Cum Laude, 13 Cum Laude

By Charles Gbayor, charlesmenlor@gmail.com

Harper, Liberia-The William V.S Tubman University is  the Liberian government’s second high institution of Learning and the only government-run University in Southeastern Liberia, which is some 7,483km from Monrovia.

On Tuesday, June 12, 2019, Tubman University successfully held it 6th Convocation Commencement and Graduation Ceremony, graduating Two Hundreds and eighty students from it Six Colleges.  

The University awarded   degrees   to 208 Students who have Completed their Required Courses at the Institution   and are Ready to serve in the Larger Society, the Graduates are from it Six Colleges namely the College of Arts and Sciences,  Engineering and Technology, College of Administration and Management others are College of Agriculture and Food Science , Elizabeth Davies Russell College of Education  and the College of Health Sciences Respectively.

Tubman University’s President Dr. Wreh-Wilson

Tubman University awarded Degree to students from various Department and different feed of Studies Degree of Bachelor of Science(BSN) to 31  one Students in the Nursing, Degree of Bachelor of Science (BSC) 36   in Public Health of the College of Health Sciences , Degree of Bachelor of Arts (BA)  2 in Early  Childhood Development , Degree of Bachelor of Arts (BA) 8   in Guidance and Counseling, Degree of Bachelor of Arts (BA) 1 6  in Secondary Education and 5   in Primary Education with Degree of Bachelor of Science from the Elizabeth Davies Russell College of Education , Degree of Bachelor of Science (BSc) 3  in Agronomy , Degree of Bachelor of Science (BSc)  44 in General Agriculture from the College of  Agriculture and  Food Sciences , Bachelor of Business  Administration  (BBA)6   in Accounting, Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) 4    in Banking and Finance ,  Degree of Bachelor of Arts (BA)5 in Economics , Degree of Bachelor Administration (BBA) 9 and 11 with Degree of Bachelor  of Public Administration (BPA) From the College of Management and Administration ,9  students with Degree of Bachelor of Science (BSCE) in Civil Engineering , Degree of Bachelor of Science (BSEE) in Electrical Engineering  6 , Degree of Bachelor of Science (BSME) 2 in Mechanical Engineering from the College of Engineering and Technology and for the first time in the History of the University it also Awarded  Degree of Bachelor of Science (BSc)  to  4 students from the Department  of Natural Sciences and Degree of Bachelor of Science (BSc)  to 8 students in  Environmental Science from the College of Arts and Sciences.

The Graduation  Convocation and  Commencement Ceremony was observed by Hundreds of invitees ( friends .the Maryland County Local Authority , Chiefs , Elders , Rev Father Joseph Nyanti of the Catholic  Diseo of Cape Palmas, and Bishop Andrew Karnely  of the Catholic Disecose  of Cape Palmas, ) , Sponsors  ,Parents, Families, the Visitor to the University ( the Commencement Speaker Hon Bill Twehway)  , Well Wisher and  Marylanders on the Main Campus of the  University  in Tubman Town outside of Maryland County’s Capital Harper City.

Tubman University has six Functional   Colleges   and Pre- College ,Access To Colleges. Since its Inception by an act of  Liberian Legislature, it has been Transforming the William V.S Tubman College of Technology into the new William V.S Tubman University, which started on September 14, 2009.

Since the College Transformation into University it had Conducted five Commencement Convocation Exercise and today on June 11  of  this year Conducted  its Six Convocation  giving out 208 Degrees to qualify students

The William VS Tubman University since gaining it University status Under the Administration of Former Liberian  President Her Excellency  Ellen Johnson Sirleaf  in 2009  and it Former President Elizabeth Davies Russell  has graduated over four thousand students from its six colleges namely ,the colleges of Arts and Sciences ,Engineering and Technology   ,College of Administration and Management others are College of Agriculture and Food Science , Elizabeth Davies Russell  College of Education  and the College of Health Sciences  from different departments in various discipline with B.sc , BSCE,BSME,BSEE, others are BPA,BA and BBA Degrees.  

Speaking during the 6th  Graduation and Convocation Ceremony Tubman University President Dr. Elliott Wreh Wilson thanked the Government of Liberia and Partners   for their Continue support to  the  University and promised to use any grant or Money that comes to his Administration to improve the facilities and the instructional  actives for students who called Tubman University a School and Home.

Dr. Elliot Wreh Wilson is the third president since it gained University status in September of 2009. And his administration has completed the  construction  of a giant size  building to be used by the College of Health Sciences and A Modern Graduation Stand.

He disclosed that Tubman University   is working on bringing the graduation program to the University and will complete the uncompleted College of Engineering and Technology building for use by students of the University.   

This year Graduation Souvenir shows that Maryland County constitutes huge numbers   of  Students from the Graduating Class  than any other Counties having students in the Class and the Class Valedictorian is Moses K. Segbe of College of Agriculture and Food Science.

Several Students also Received Distinct  honor from the University Administration Appreciating  than for the Hard studies while at the Institution   In their Respective disciplines ,  6 students that were honor with Magna Cum Laude are  Moses K.Segbe of the College of Agriculture and Food Science ,Frank S. Doe of the  Elizabeth Davies Russell  College of Education  ,Dominic  L. Miller of the College Of Arts and Sciences, Mark K.Goflee of College of Management and Administration ,Christopher Z .Wolobah of the  College of  Health Sciences and Jallah Kollie of the College of Agriculture and Food Science and 13 Students  were honor with Cum Laude from their respective Colleges and are Alicia Harris of the College Agriculture and Food Science Olive D. Yancy College of  Health Sciences, Isaac B. Nimey of the College Agriculture and Food Science, Nyain V. Morris ,and Abraham B. Wilson of the College of Agriculture and Food Science others are Estella P. Toe of the College of  Health Sciences ,Aaron K. Sieh of the College of Arts and Sciences ,Janic M. Walloh , Hellen  A. Kesseh ,Augustine Y. Freeman ,Patience D. Collins all   of the of College of Management and Administration and Shadrick  M. Davies ,Stevens T. Mulbah of the of the  Elizabeth Davies Russell  College of Education.

The Commencement and Convocation Speaker was the Managing Director of the National Port Authority (NPA), Mr. Bill Twehway.

“I’m Humble and gratify to be here in Harper, Maryland County the home of one of Liberia Greatest Sons William V .S Tubman and to Interact  with a group of people who are selfless   and prepared to give away their Legitimate Status   in Exchanged for unity  and forward movement of our Country and this is why the People are Noble Because after Attaining Independence in 1854 as a Country Called  Maryland Country in Africa  and Understanding that strength lies in Unity join with the Republic  of   Liberia to be Become a Great County called   Maryland County ,this is selflessness in highest degree,” Mr. Twehway said.

NPA Managing Director, Bill Twehway

“Besides the People of Maryland are great people especially for the    role played in the Formation of the then Organization African   Unity now African Union and   the United Nations through their developmental oriented   Son  the Late President William V.S. Tubman who was also Remember and Celebrated by  the people of Africa and the World.

When I was studying with Candle and fire , I was  Dreaming  big Dream in my Bed  so it is good to Dream big wanting to best Teachers to serve Humanitarian and help other Become more Educated than him, coming from by far  from under development  Seita  In River Cess County South eastern Liberia  and without a Familiar  Family names  I wanted to give Back Liberian Society   as a means of Paying his Deus to those who help him Excel to  a Degree  holder  and all of the vital signs of Society  pointed to little or no Prospect for him, interestingly  I can relate to you’ the Graduates doing this important  chapter in your life story  having dream of better jobs  , Relishing a global view of   Career Advancement ,Felling Hopeful about Future Prospect and , Wanting to make a name for themselves both in the Public and Private Sectors are all training ,these big dreams and its absolutely  necessary to  dream big Dream ,I too dream big while studying under Candle light  and Lihton eating Roasted Cassava and Coconut ,Chewing  Sugar Cane and Eating Cool bod  and evening begging for  Rice cross from  Ma Martha to Make the bod thick so I can relate to challenges encounter before Attaining this high of their Academic Pursued. 

“Graduate of the 21ST Century  are far More Sophisticated   than those who graduated way before then, because   during their days of school there was no WIFI , Internet, Computers , Cell Phones  and even  digital Library. However I had difficult but rewarding Experience with   my Manual Learning Environment   when through difficult challenges and today handling   the  gateway to the Liberian Economy  the National Port Authority   as their  Convocation Speaker  this demonstrates that with a Proper Education ,determination and Rights friend dream are possible,” the NPA Managing Director said.

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