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Weah’s handling of missing billions saga “insincere, inconsistent and incoherent”

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-COCUBOMB says, as it hails US, int’l partners for agreeing to join missing billions probe

By Our Staff Writer

The Citizens coalition to bring back our missing billions (COCUBOMB has commended the US Embassy and other international partners for accepting their petition to ensure an independent forensic investigation is conducted into the alleged more than 15 billion Liberian dollars saga.

The citizens group made the commendation on Monday at a news conference in Monrovia, when they spoke on a number of major national issues.

After the missing billions scandal was leaked in September and the CDC government confirmed it, COCUBOM staged a peaceful protest in Monrovia and met with officials of the US Embassy, the EU, AU, ECOWAS and the United Nations urging them to pressure the government to pursue an independent probe.

FLASHBACK: Some of the peaceful protesters in September

“COCUBOMB extols the international community for standing with the Liberian people in pursuit of public accountability, integrity and transparency. We commend the US Government, UN, AU, EU and ECOWAS for judiciously acting in the best interest of the Liberian Republic by taking full charge of this investigation,” the citizens’ coalition to bring our money back said.

In a statement, the group strongly criticized President George Weah for the way he has handled the missing billions saga from the onset describing it as “insincere, inconsistent and incoherent.”

Meanwhile, the citizens’ coalition to bring our money back has praised the Liberian media for its robust and professional coverage of the alleged missing billions scandal.

“We salute you (The Media) for standing up for Liberia in this pursuit for ensuring public accountability. They (economic pillagers) MUST Bring Back Our Money (L$16 billion),” COCUBOM’s Spokesman, Martin K. N. Kollie says.

The Central Bank of Liberia (CBL) at the beginning of October described media reports unearthing a seeming scandal as incorrect.

“The CBL wants to clarify to the general public and partners in progress that there is no L$16 billion missing, as erroneously reported in the media”, CBL Governor Nathaniel Patray said Tuesday at a news conference attended by all of the Deputy Governors including .Charles Sirleaf, son of former President Sirleaf and Dr. Mounir Siaplay, Deputy Governor for Economic Policy.

“The CBL wants to clarify to the general public and partners in progress that there is no L$16 billion missing, as erroneously reported in the media”, CBL Governor Nathaniel Patray said Tuesday at a news conference attended by all of the Deputy Governors including .Charles Sirleaf, son of former President Sirleaf and Dr. Mounir Siaplay, Deputy Governor for Economic Policy.

The Governor’s statement, which supports an earlier opinion by President Weah upon arrival from the UN General Assembly, appears to raise more questions than answers.

The Information Minister Lenn Eugene Nagbe had earlier confirmed a local daily report of the printing and disappearance of excess bank notes which arrived through the RIA and the Freeport of Monrovia.

Pundits also believe that the near corresponding statements by President Weah and the CBL, make the outcome of the ongoing investigation to be anybody’s guess.


“Distinguished ladies and gentlemen of the Press, members of the class of intelligentsia, members of the underprivileged majority, sons and daughters of the poverty-stricken masses, petite traders and yana boys, members of the disabled community, youth and student groups, civil society actors, the religious community, teachers and marketers, traditional leaders, rural inhabitants and slum dwellers, civil servants, members of all registered political parties and fellow citizens of the Republic of Liberia:

On September 24, 2018, thousands of patriotic and nationalistic Liberians through COCUBOMB defied the heavy downpour of rain to petition the International Community through the US Embassy near Monrovia, UN, AU, EU, and ECOWAS.

This massive peaceful civil action in demand of public accountability led by COCUBOMB called for an independent international forensic investigation into the mysterious disappearance of L$16 billion under President George M. Weah.

In response to the popular desire of the Liberian people through this mass peaceful protest, the International Community through the U.S. Embassy near Monrovia has finally launched an independent international forensic investigation to ascertain basic facts pertinent to this national mystery that has wounded the image of the country.

COCUBOMB extols the international community for standing with the Liberian people in pursuit of public accountability, integrity and transparency. We commend the US Government, UN, AU, EU and ECOWAS for judiciously acting in the best interest of the Liberian Republic by taking full charge of this investigation.

From the very beginning, the government of President George M. Weah has been insincere, inconsistent and incoherent in terms of managing this national emergency which could have unintended socio-economic and political consequences. Even up-to-date, we cannot trust key functionaries of this government because they continue to release conflicting accounts that are loaded with falsehood.

COCUBOMB respectfully appeal with the International Community to seriously consider the following as part of the independent international forensic investigation:

  1. The “infusion” of the US$25 million into the Liberian economy by the government of President Weah.
  2. The rapid and suspicious acquisition of giant-sized properties by President Weah and some high-ranking public officials in just 8 months.
  3. The need to conduct a comprehensive audit of the past government and all transactions done so far under the CDC-led government.


  1. We also want to strongly reiterate the urgency to establish a War and Economic Crimes Court in Liberia.

As we remain hopeful of a credible outcome of this ongoing investigation, COCUBOMB would appreciate a weekly update from the independent international panel of forensic investigators as the process unfolds. This will help to prevent public suspicions/speculations and keep the Liberian populace regularly informed and even more confident about the veracity of the investigation.

COCUBOMB encourages the International Community to only hire international forensic financial firms that have no link to and/or interest in Liberia. COCOUBOMB believes that the full involvement of the FBI, IMF, World Bank, AfDB, and US Treasury Department would add more value to the investigation. COCUBOMB will remain proactively engaged with all international partners to ensure full accountability of this missing US$16 billion.

With unhindered audacity and patriotism, we shall remain relentless in this national pursuit to ensure that those who viciously siphoned and pillaged the people’s money are made to account in accordance with the Rule of Law. On this note, we call on all Liberians to exercise restraint as the International Community independently probes this matter.

COCUBOMB wants to reassure the International Community of its firm commitment to upholding peace and stability. We will do nothing to undermine the PEACE of our country. In fact, we love this country more than those vicious micro-nationalists and pseudo-patriots who robbed our people of L$16 billion in broad-day light. They must account for this downright wickedness. Liberians deserve far better than living in extreme poverty.

The popular call of our people from Montserrado to Maryland is “BRING BACK OUR MONEY”.  This call remains non-negotiable today and even tomorrow. COCUBOMB wants to reassure all Liberians in and out of Liberia that it shall not rest until this money is fully accounted for. Distinguished ladies and gentlemen of the press, we thank you for coming and appreciate you for your uncompromising stance in this process.

May God rescue the already damaged image of our country and save generations yet unborn from perishing as a result of systemic corruption and mass impunity in Liberia. Never must we abandon this genuine national cause, for a NEW LIBERIA of justice, equality and prosperity for all is possible in our lifetime.”

Signed: __________________________________________

                                  Jeremiah S. Swen

                      Secretary General, COCUBOMB

  Approved: _______________________________________

                                 Emmanuel Gonquoi

                    Vice Chair, COCUBOMB / CIC of EFFL

 Attested: ________________________________________

                                    Martin K. N. Kollie

                                Chairman, COCUBOMB


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