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Lawmakers debate Major Constitutional amendment proposals behind closed doors

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Members of Liberia’s House of Representatives today (Tuesday August 20, 2019) discussed major constitutional amendment propositions sent to them by President George Weah behind closed doors, leaving doubts in the minds of many.

Members of the Liberian legislature and Executive over the weekend met in Margibi County at what was known as ‘Special Presidential Legislative Retreat’ to discuss ways forward in amending some provisions of the 1986 Constitution of the Republic of Liberia.

The Lawmakers’ closed doors deliberations followed their last weekend’s two-day retreat at the Farmington Hotel at the Roberts International Airport called by President George Weah to have them buy into the same constitutional amendment propositions and other Bills the Liberian leader wants them pass as soon as possible.

Ahead of last weekend’s  retreat, a ranking member of the Liberian Senate, Grand Bassa County Senator Nyounblee Karnga branded the country’s parliament as a “compromised Legislature”.

Senator Karnga said that some Lawmakers were being manipulated by the Executive, citing the recent “illegal” impeachment of former Associate Justice Kabinah Ja’neh.

The provisions, which were highlighted and proposed for amendment included Articles 28, 45,46,48,48, 50 AND 60 of the Liberian constitution. Articles 28, which provides for Dual Citizenship of persons, who are of Negroes decent; 45 which provides for the vacancies created by death, resignation, expulsion or otherwise of Senators and 46 which also provides for the reduction in the tenure of Senators.

Other amendments proposed include Article 48 which calls for the reduction in the tenure of Representatives, 49, the election of a Speaker, Deputy Speaker and other Officers of the House of Representatives and 50, which calls for the provision for the reduction in the tenure of the President, as well as 66, which calls for the establishment of Regional Intermediary Appellate Courts.

But to the disbelieve of Legislative reporters, the agenda of the House of Representatives was amended ensuring that they discuss some major issues they had on Tuesday’s session be sent to executive session.

Some of the issues which were on the Tuesday’s session agenda but were discussed in closed door include the appearance of the Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Liberia, Cllr. Frank Musa Dean, Jr., to explain where he allegedly derived his authority to postpone the payment to the government of Liberia much needed revenue in relation to the National Road Fund tax.

The Lawmakers also want the appearance of Inspector General of the Liberia National Police along with the Heads of the Women and Children Protection Unit of Liberia National. The two LNP executives were to appear in open plenary to speak to an issue raised by Bong County District #6 Rep. Moima Briggs Mensah relating to growing effects of prostitution in Monrovia and other major developing cities in Liberia.

One thing that remains unclear is what decisions were reached as it relates to discussions on those major issues.

Members of the House of Rep. have the tradition to leave doubt on the minds of reporters in particular and the general public in general when it comes to secret sessions as decisions reach therein are not discussed or relayed to the public easily. Report by Mark N.

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