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Weah Extends “STAY HOME” Order Under State of Emergency, Wearing Of Facemask To Be Enforced

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Monrovia, April 24, 2020:In the wake of the approaching expiration of the measures announced by President George M. Weah on April 8, 2020 to contain the spread of the Coronavirus disease,  the Liberian Leader is renewing the order by additional two weeks with some enhancements, including the COMPULSORY wearing of facemasks by everyone in public.

The government has determined this is necessary in order to sustain the fight against the disease in the country.

 Earlier this month. President Weah announced a State of Emergency to be observed throughout the country. During this period, the joint security command and the Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces of Liberia were ordered to enforce the different measures that were pronounced.

Amongst these measures were orders to:

 1) Quarantine the 15 counties 

 2) Ensure everyone in Montserrado, Margibi, Nimba and Grand Kru stay at home for two weeks – with exceptions granted to designated essential persons and businesses

 3) Require all to be indoors by 3pm

 4) A directive to the Ministry of Internal Affairs to engage marketers in order to make “satisfactory arrangements” for the operations of markets during this period.

 However, on the advice of health authorities and in light of the unresolved crisis, the government is extending the stay-at-home order to ALL 15 counties in the country.

Also, healthcare workers and other service providers are mandated to also wear hygienic gloves in addition to the facemasks when interacting with the public. Any non-compliance to these measures, as have been observed in the past, could lead to arrest by the security forces. The government will work to ensure facemasks are made available for public use. 

The threat from COVID-19 is existential; everyone is therefore urged to do their part in every way possible to defeat this unseen enemy. One responsible way to do that is staying at home and following the regulations of the government.

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