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Insurance Company Drags Liberian Education Ministry To Court

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Massa Kanneh,

Monrovia- Secure Risk Insurance Company in Liberia has filed a lawsuit against the Ministry Of Education at the Commercial Court for its alleged refusal to pay More than One Million United States Dollars owed in providing Insurance cares.

Secure Risk filed a Petition to Compel Ministry Of Education through Minister Ansu Sonii and others through its Acting Director Robert Johnson on Wednesday, November 11, 2020 to comply with the Memorandum Of Understanding between the two Entities to pay Money owed in tune of One Million Five Hundred and Ten Thousand Six Hundred and Seventy Seven Dollars and returned remaining Medical slips provided to the Ministry.

In a 13-count Petition filed by Secure Risk Insurance Company, it alleges that in January 14, 2019, MOE submitted an award for the Company to provide personal Health and Life Insurance for Seventeen Thousands Nine Hundred and Fifty Employees, Spouses and two dependents.

Subsequently, the parties allegedly entered agreement on January 28, 2019 through a memorandum of Understanding.


The Company alleged, after the Memorandum of Understanding expired on January 27, 2020, it received a Communication from MOE requesting an extension from January 28 to February 28, 2020.

In March 2020, Secure Risk participated in a bidding process of which MOE wrote that the Company was not selected due to not responsiveness of the the Ministry’s bid.

The Company has accused MOE of refusing to return remaining Medical Slips issued.

One month prior to the Expiration of the Memorandum, MOE signed for Two Thousands Eight Hundred  Medical Slips but has filed to returned the balance.

Secure Risk says it has continued to receive Medical Bills from Medical Institution around the Countries dating March to September, for services provided despite the expiration of the Contract in February.

Secure Risk complained that Bills will continue to increase based to MOE refusal to return unused Medical Slips.

The Company is requesting the Court to compel MOE to discontinue the issuance of their Medical Slips to employees and Families.

It also wants the Court to request MOE to pay premium due them and returned remaining Slips.


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