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In ECOWAS Tax Levy Debate: Liberia Proposes Engagement With Head Of States

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By Tokpa

FREETOWN, Sierra Leone- The first day of the ongoing ECOWAS’ Parliamentary meeting here is projecting the possibility for stronger actions to be directed towards member states that continue to renege on the remittance of Tax Levy collected in the individual Countries.

The 5th Legislature first Sitting in 2021 is under the theme: “Involvement of Members of ECOWAS Parliament in Monitoring the Implementation of the Protocol relating to the Community Levy”.

A Seminar opening component that hosted the Speaker of the Sierra Leone National Assembly, Dr. Abass Chenor Bundu, the Speaker of the ECOWAS Parliament Seidi Mohammed Tunis also of Sierra Leone and other dignitaries.

The Protocol on the Community Levy was adopted by the Heads of States and governments on 27th July 1996 and member states began application of Levy regime from the 1st of July 2003.

Presentations at the opening component revealed that many States are not adhering to the ECOWAS Protocol that tasks each of the 15 Countries 0.5% task on every imported goods that are brought in from non-ECOWAS States.

Following such unpleasant report from the Commissioners of the Regional Body, Liberia Senator Jonathan Kaipay suggested three baseline points that when considered; would end the confronting circumstances in achieving tax collection Goal.

His recommendations came minutes after Liberia was included amongst indebted Nations in relation to the Tax Levy; an ECOWAS report that situates Liberia’ Debt at US$10, 288, 5584 (ten million, two hundred Eighty-eight thousand- five hundred and eighty-four) dollars.

The Tuesday, March 23 report also listed Niger as the only State that exceeded the 0.5% to 1% payment, while Sierra Leone owes 969 million, 169 thousand 303 Leone; that is equivalent to (US$18,866) at the current exchange rate of (10,228 Leone) and Nigeria owes over 192 Billion Nara, which conversion is (US$464,891,041) at the exchange rate of 413NGN (Nigerian Nara).

During his deliberation in Chambers hosted at the Sierra Leone International Conference Centre, the three Liberian Lawmakers recommended that the presentation that revealed indebtedness should be similarly made at Ministerial discussion in each Country. They said this is a means of attracting Political Will on the part of the President and his Cabinet Ministers.

They called for a possible establishment of a specialized Committee that will shoulder the task of monitoring member States and work along with their Parliaments through similar exhibition of the essentiality surrounding payment and the benefits thereof.

Addressing the issue of ensuring information dissemination and increased awareness regarding ECOWAS’ development activities and code value of the Organization; the Liberian Parliamentarians suggested the need for installing Billboards at Boarders, and develop additional information platform that would educate citizens sufficiently about ECOWAS and its impacts.

The Lawmakers proposal pillars gained the support of other Parliamentarians and the Parliament’ Secretary as well as the former Commissioner of Finance of the Regional Body, Mrs. Khadi R. Saccoh; though a decision was not reached during the Tuesday Session.

Another critical issue that took centre stage during the debate was the placing of Sanction as punishment on reneging States that would not remit fund; a view some termed as appropriate. Others believe it should be the last resort; but the Parliament Commissioner for Finance, Mrs. Halima Ahmed clarified that such decision falls under the Authority of the Head of States and not Lawmakers.

Just on the shoulder of such clarification, Senator Steve Zargo opened the COVID-19 chapter as he highlighted the need for the provision of Stimulus package in the Region for Citizens is paramount; considering the impact caused by the health crisis since 2020.

He referenced the American Congress and the British Parliament in connection with Stimulus package provision for their respective citizens when the Disease attacked their Economies, shattered livelihood and destroyed many Lives at the same time.

“As ECOWAS, in as much as we want to ensure the Tax Levy; before the COVID-19- many Countries including my own Liberia were regular with payment”; emphasizing the need to make a decision on such as the debate proceeded.

The two Senators along with Rep. Clarence Massaquoi are the three Liberian Lawmakers currently representing the State in Freetown, Sierra Leone as they await the arrival of Senator Edwin Melvin Snowe and Rep. Ajah F. Siryon after President Weah’ tour in the Western Region of Liberia; where they are serving as Legislators.

Meanwhile, the Sierra Leonean Parliament Speaker, Dr. Bendu is pleading for a Universal fight against Covid-19; stating every Nation must exert efforts in battling beyond the Vaccination process.

“For the fight against COVID-19 to be effective and efficacious, it has to be UNIVERSAL; meaning other Countries in the sub-region need to have their own programmes of vaccination in place,” the ECOWAS Parliament Speaker expressed as he lauded member States for what he described as a remarkable turnout.


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