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The Need For Physical Fitness Training For Media People

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PHOTO: Mr. Paye-Layleh

By Journalist Jonathan Paye-Layleh

August 3, 2021

Dear President Charles Coffey and PUL Members

I bring you greetings and wish to inform you and the entire media community that I have spoken extensively with a Korean-trained Liberian martial artist who has agreed to provide some physical fitness and self-defense training for members of the PUL in different aspects of the profession and sport, including Tae-kwandoo commonly known as Karatee.

Master Mohammed Z. Jallah is happy to assist us by providing the training free of charge.

He only needs our readiness to assemble for this exercise, which is good for working journalists who need to be fit physically in the discharge of their duties.

This is also important, Mr. President and members of the PUL, to prepare reporters and media workers to be able to withstand and protect themselves against difficult situations.

I will myself be willing to participate in the training for physical fitness and I encourage all older media colleagues to do the same.

Let it be clear; the training is not intended to prepare Journalists to confront people; it is instead intended to prepare them to be fit as they go about providing coverage for happenings, because it is their work to report on happenings whether or not invited.

We deserve a conducive atmosphere in which to do our work.

I write to appeal to your leadership, Mr. President, to quickly arrange a meeting with Master Jallah to discuss details of what the training would entail.

In the meantime, individual journalists wishing to interview Master Jallah or take advantage of his skills and profession can reach him at 0776543894.

Yours truly,

Jonathan Paye-Layleh

Member, PUL since 1987

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