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Man Jailed for Allegedly Raping 21-Year-Old Woman

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PHOTO: Defendant Alex being escorted to the Monrovia Central prison by court officers

The Monrovia City court has sent to jail a 41-year-old Liberia man, Abraham Alex a resident of Duport Road who allegedly raped a woman, age 21, as Garmah Never Lomo reports.

Rape is a nonbailable crime in Liberia. And due to its escalation in recent times, President George Weah sometime ago described the act as “a national emergency”.

According to the victim, the incident took place on February 10, when she was told by the defendant to come and collect a cellphone he had earlier promised her.

The police charge sheet revealed that the victim reported the matter to the Women and Children Protection section at the Zone 5 base on February 11, 2022. She alleged that upon her arrival at defendant Alex’s house, she was asked to tidy the house and later took her bath, awaiting the defendant who had gone on the road.

According to the victim, defendant Alex returned with an energy drink, which he later handed over to her and after drinking it, she felt weak and sleepy.

She accused the defendant of earlier boasting of how he is connected to top heads of government institutions, therefore nothing will come out of his rape case.

But so far, the defendant has not spoken to the press.

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