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As CPP Crumbles, An Opposition DEMOCRATIC ALLIANCE Has Emerged In Liberia

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A new political coalition name and styled the DEMOCRATIC ALLIANCE OF LIBERIA (DAL) has emerged, as Liberians gear up for the coming general and presidential elections in 2023, a press statement from the group says.

This comes as the opposition Collaborating Political Parties (CPP), which originally comprised four parties, has nearly collapsed, some 17 months to presidential and general elections. The CPP initially included the former ruling Unity Party, All Liberian Party, Alternative National Congress and the Liberty Party. But former Vice President Joseph Baoakai’s UP and the ALP have since pulled out of the CPP.

In its statement, the DAL says it is a broad-based political coalition that is bringing together opposition parties from various political persuasions, civic society organizations as well as youth and students advocacy groups from around the country and the Liberian diaspora. This coalition was borne out of months of intensive consultations amongst opposition political parties led by the National Democratic Coalition of Liberia (NDC), a social democratic political formation.

At a packed ceremony held during the week on May 25, 2022 on African Liberation Day, several political parties including the National Democratic Coalition of Liberia (NDC), the New Democratic Alternative for Liberia Movement (the New Deal Movement), the Free Democratic Party (FDP), the Vision for Liberia Transformation Party (VOLT), the Democratic People’s Party of Liberia (DPPL), the Economic Freedom Fighters of Liberia (EFFL) submitted resolutions of commitment and formally signed a Declaration of Intent. Also participating were the Unity Party of Liberia (UP) and the All Liberian Party (ALP).

The formation of the DAL serves to reduce the number of political parties in Liberia. The DAL promises to field legislative candidates and a single consensus Presidential ticket during the coming 2023 general elections.  Following is the full text of the DECLARATION OF INTENT Signed by the political parties.  The parties have declared their commitment to work in the interest of the Liberian people and the country so as to protect the nation’s growing democracy. The Democratic Alliance of Liberia is currently steered by an “Organizing Authority” chaired by political scientist and human rights activist Professor Alaric K. Tokpa of the National Democratic Coalition of Liberia.

Declaration of Intent of the Democratic Alliance of Liberia (DAL)

We the leaders of opposition political parties (along with patriotic interest groups and well-meaning individual Liberians) have decided to come together as a body under one leadership, as the Democratic Alliance of Liberia (DAL), for the purpose of jointly participating in the democratic process within the Republic of Liberia.

We therefore agree to commit ourselves to campaigning together around the interest of the Liberian people and erecting a government that will promote justice for all, unify our country, build peace and stability, encourage social economic development, serve the best interest of Liberia, and continue to bring dignity to our country.

Even though we have all organized our political parties to pursue state power, love of country as well as devotion and loyalty to the best interest of Liberia now make it imperative for us to set aside our party and ideological differences, place on the back seat the presidential ambitions in our respective political parties, and cooperate as an alliance of patriotic parties, devoted interest groups, as well as democratic minded and peace-loving individual Liberians. Accordingly, we unanimously agree to work together and negotiate the selection of the best candidates for Liberia in general and presidential elections.

We dedicate ourselves to the mobilization of every sector of Liberian society at home and abroad and to working together for the development of one platform, and, in the event of electoral victory, implementing a strategy for people-centered national development.

In working together to protect the best interest of Liberia, we have decided that the Alliance political parties, Alliance affiliate organizations, and individuals of goodwill shall base their association on the principles of unflinching loyalty to country, dedication to the democratic culture, mutual respect, honesty, respect for constituted authority, consensus building, and transnational solidarity.

We understand, agree, and emphasize that we shall negotiate and build consensus around support for one presidential candidate and encourage negotiation between the parties for effective participation in legislative elections. We shall therefore work on a common platform, construct a Manifesto as instrument of governance and Protocol of Cooperation, accede to a People’s Agenda for National Progress by which the public shall judge government performance under a DAL administration and hold the administration accountable, and by which government shall monitor and evaluate its own performance.

In the event of electoral victory, efforts shall be made to improve human resource quality. We shall strive to improve government support for social services. And we shall include qualify Liberians in government without regard to party affiliation, political orientation, religious belief, or regional, linguistic, and cultural background.

In view of the above, we unanimously agree to stand behind one presidential candidate in the 2023 presidential elections. This, we have decided in our determination to reduce the number of political parties in Liberia and promote qualitative involvement in the democratic process. And this we have decided in our resolve to create a government that will honor, defend,  and protect our national constitution, respect and serve the best interest of the Liberian people, and work with ECOWAS, the African Union, the Government of the United States of America,  the European community, intergovernmental organizations (including the United Nations), international non-governmental organizations, and other stakeholders for the achievement of cooperation, peace, stability, and development in Liberia, the West African sub-region, Africa, and the world at large.

We shall therefore proceed to embark on constitutional proceedings for the registration of the Democratic Alliance of Liberia with the National Election Commission (NEC) of the Republic of Liberia.

As a testimony of our unwavering resolve and commitment to the goals that we have set ourselves, we here affix our signatures on this African Liberation Day.

Done at the headquarters of the Democratic People’s

Party of Liberia (DPPL) on the Old Road, in Sinkor,

Monrovia, Liberia on May 25, 2022, Adjacent the

American Cooperative School (ACS)


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