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Racism In American Missionary Enterprise

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Press Release

Civil Rights Icon Proposes Emergency Winter Humanitarian Relief For All Liberians

Proposed New Law To Regulate and Tackle Endemic Racism In All US Nonprofits Worldwide

Inclusivity Of All Liberians In the Liberian Refugee “Fairness” Act Signed By Trump

US Visa Waivers For All Liberians To Mitigate Ongoing Harm Of American Colonization

Funding For Humanitarian Assistance To Noncitizens In America

30 Gordon Street, Boston, MA 02134

Contact: Rev. Torli H. Krua, Founder UHRI-857-249-9983

Honorable Representative Ben Swan (Retired)-1-413-433-3279

Boston, Massachusetts-Retired Massachusetts Representative Ben Swan is calling on the Government of the United States to grant US Visa Waivers to all Liberians to access quality education, employment, and business opportunities in the USA without visa restrictions.

The retired Massachusetts lawmaker made his plea in the communication sent to senior members of the US Congress, including Elizabeth Warren and Ways and Means Chair Honorable Richard Neal. Honorable Swan who has visited remote villages across Liberia called for Emergency Humanitarian Support For Liberians struggling in the USA due to denial of green cards.

While Ukrainians who recently arrived in the USA and their country is benefiting from billions of dollars from the USA, citizens of Liberia, a colony created by the Government of the USA, who have spent years in the USA continue to suffer needlessly. Even recent arrivals, including Afghans, have been protected by the Government of the United States.

Honorable Ben Swan who is also an honorary Paramount Chief Wonser of Bo & Quila Chiefdom has presented a three-point petition to the United States Government and is calling on all Liberians to support the Petition if democracy is to thrive in Liberia. “Democracy is what the people do and not what foreign aid or politicians do. In order for the people of Liberia to become inventors, engineers, and scientists, America must open its doors to Liberians just as it has opened its doors to South Koreans, Japanese, and Germans because Liberians have contributed a lot to the development of the United States.

Honorable presented the following three humanitarian proposals on behalf of Liberian Refugees and all Liberians suffering because of American Colonization and systemic racism. According to Honorable Swan, the United States will benefit from opening its doors to Liberians because reconciliation with Liberians is necessary to bring healing and unity to the United States: “United we stand. Divided we fall.”

  1. I propose a new statute to mitigate systemic racism and exploitation that requires all nonprofits with tax exemption registered in Massachusetts to include community input and qualified persons with lived experience in decision-making positions on the board of directors and senior management. Currently, nonprofits with tax exemptions are not required to be diverse. Thus nonprofits are now the new breeding ground for racism and white supremacism.
  2. Join me in calling on our Delegation to Congress to support the immediate inclusion of all Liberian refugees “physically present in America” as beneficiaries of the Liberian Refugee Immigration Fairness Act (LRIFA) and include retroactive waiver of all green card filing fees for all Liberian beneficiaries of the LRIFA, consistent with Section 245(i) of the US Immigration and Nationality Act that exempts refugees from paying filing fees for green cards. Consistent with Article 1 of the Liberian Constitution approved in Washington DC on May 23, 1825, Congress must also allow all Liberians into the United States without visa restrictions for education, employment, and business opportunities.
  3. I propose a Winter Emergency Aid of two million dollars for the Universal Human Rights International (UHRI) and all organizations serving human beings without status such as the Liberian refugees without work permits in their transition to life in the United States. We have donated billions of dollars to Ukraine and tens of millions of dollars to assist Ukrainian refugees created by Putin’s War. Surely we must also assist Liberian refugees plagued by American systemic racism and racial laws enacted by the US Congress to banish Americans of color to work. Assistance to all refugees must be fair whether they are “Black or White.”

Rev. Torli H. Krua has begun meetings with US Officials to promote the Emergency Winter Humanitarian Relief Plan for human beings in the United States, including Liberians. “There is a better way PREVENTION-PREVENTION-PREVENTION: “In time of peace, prepare to prevent wars.” How? Don’t follow the politicians and don’t sit down and do nothing, VOTE! Yes, VOTE, not for partisan politicians but vote for a new blueprint for a new nation. How? Easy! There are millions of people fed up with the divisions and stupidity of laws that taxes and spends public money, increase prison population, promote hate,  ” Krua wrote in a release from the Universal Human Rights International.

“Deeply divided American politicians, Republicans and Democrats easily united when it came time to spend billions of dollars to supply weapons for Ukraine and humanitarian assistance for Ukrainian refugees. Think about the cost of the impending global crisis from the catastrophic collapse of a deeply divided nuclear superpower America and who might be interested in footing that bill? Just as the war in Ukraine was preventable, preventing the collapse, healing and uniting the divided “United” States, America is a piece of cake. “United we stand. Divided we fall.”  So all the ordinary citizens with common sense can do to prevent the fall of the USA is to simply unite because “United we stand.” As Americans gear up for the important midterm elections, we are petitioning American voters to consider our proposal to heal and unite our divided country by uncovering the truth about our country and mitigating ongoing harm and self-inflicted wounds..”


“And you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.” America is not free because our country spends billions of dollars yearly to cause harm to Americans and even spends billions more to cover up lies. America is in worse trouble than Russia and Ukraine because although both countries are at war, their peoples are united. The Russians are united to fight and Ukrainians are united to defend their homeland.

While American politicians are united in spending billions of dollars to support war efforts abroad, Americans are deeply divided when it comes to domestic issues: mass shootings, restriction on gun ownership, abortion, reparation for slavery, covid-19 pandemic response, mass incarceration, immigration…I can go on and on. We have the highest defense budget in the world-$800 billion dollars. There are over 2 million Americans in prison at a cost of $45K yearly. Healthcare, student loans and over 1 million covid-19 deaths.

America is the world’s only superpower but “the superpower and empire is naked!” America’s deep divisions along racial, religious and ideological lines isn’t known worldwide but it’s not surprising. From the very beginning, the highest ranking officials of the U.S. government in the executive, judiciary and legislative branches were white supremacists and slaveholders who owned and sold slaves, including 12 presidents (George Washington, James Monroe, for whom Monrovia was named), the Chief Justice, John Marshall and Speaker at Congress Henry Clay. The deeply divided “United” States is falling apart but the world is focused on Russia and Ukraine!

Alas, “United we stand. Divided we fall.” Even so, in 2022, elite American politicians, both Democrats and Republicans, ignorant of the real struggles of ordinary people, want us to just keep voting for them as they beat the drums of division and uncontrolled government spendings. Just so you know, our votes are the only fuel politicians need to win elections in order to keep driving us down the paths to self-destruction! So should voters just keep voting until Armageddon hits? It’s time to pulse, think and use our votes to rescue America from self destruction and save our world!

The November 2022 midterm elections in the USA are the “make or break” crossroads not just for American democracy but also for the entire world. Why isn’t America the champion of justice, democracy and global human rights it claims to be? The United States is being crushed under the weight of officially sanctioned racism codified in unmitigated racist American laws; March 26, 1790, Nationalization Act (1 Stat. 103)- ”only white persons…” were eligible for U.S. citizenship! Congress passed two additional unmitigated racist laws to implement the first racist citizenship law by removing and banishing all free people of color while keeping slaves in bondage. Firstly, on March 3, 1819, Congress passed a law to fund American Colonization of African Americans and authorized the force of the U.S Navy to implement colonization. The Indian Removal Act of May 28, 1830, that removed Native Americans from their lands and resulted in the deaths of thousands. The 1990 unlawful secret cable from the State Department in Washington, DC ordered visa refusal for Blacks-all Liberians fleeing the violence of civil war to unite with their family members. The order also granted visas to Lebanese and Indians, including Dr, Punjabi, head of President Biden’s Malaria Initiative, 2022. Moreover, the plight of Liberian refugee women and children who have lived for up to eight years across the US in 2022 execerbated by the denied work permits and access to humanitarian assistance in the deadly Covid-19 Pandemic and deadly winters… Compare the 200 years of inhumane treatment of Liberians to Ukrainian refugees in America fleeing similar violence 6,000 miles away. The Ukrainians were instantly granted tens of billions of dollars American taxpayers must repay, work permits and tens of millions of dollars in humanitarian assistance. Now we know why Black Lives don’t matter! It’s codified in unmitigated laws. WIthout new laws the harm and crimes continue unabated!

Yes, the 200 years of American Colonization and officially sanctioned racism secretly codified in the laws of the USA to harm Americans of color has been uncovered but the harm continues unabated, under Presidents Bush-1, Clinton, Bush-2, Obama, Trump, and now under President Biden. Worse, the official purpose of American Colonization is alive and well in 2022 and remains reprehensible and unconscionable:

“...the colonization of the free people of color, will render the slave who remains in America more obedient, more faithful, more honest, and, consequently, more useful to his master, is it proper to regard this happy consequence to both, as the sole object which the Society hopes to attain…” This crime against humanity by the Government of the United States can not go on forever because it puts all Americans at risk and the whole world at serious risk.

Given the global impact of the war in Ukraine on the global economy, the unthinkable fall of the United States would be catastrophic and cripple the whole world. “United we stand. Divided we fall.”

This petition aims to expose America’s hidden dark secrets of officially sanctioned racism, lies and deceptions, atrocities, and financial exploitation of African Americans and indigenous Africans in the American colony of Liberia. The goal is to light up America’s dark deeds and the ongoing harm of crimes against humanity and against Americans. In so doing, American politicians eager to be elected will be forced to pass laws mitigating the ongoing harm of racism codified into American laws. The mitigation must begin with regulations of the U.S. nonprofit sector to be diverse and representative of the constituency they aim to serve. This new statute would stop structural racism in its tracks.

We call on Congress to support the immediate inclusion of all Liberian refugees “physically present in America” as beneficiaries of the Liberian Refugee Immigration Fairness Act (LRIFA) signed into law by President Trump in 2020, and include retroactive waiver of green card filing fees for all Liberian beneficiaries of the LRIFA.

This request is consistent with Section 245(i) of the US Immigration and Nationality Act which exempts refugees from paying filing fees for green cards.

Additionally, and consistent with Article 1 of the Liberian Constitution approved in Washington DC on May 23, 1825, Congress must also allow visa waivers for all Liberians into the United States without visa restrictions for education, employment, and business opportunities. The United States must immediately refund millions of dollars unlawfully collected from Liberian visa applicants denied US visas since 1990 when the US State Department sent a secret cable to Monrovia ordering racial discrimination and visa refusal for all Black Liberians while granting preferential treatment and visa issuance to Lebanese and Indian residents fleeing the violence of the Liberian Civil War.

A fake nonprofit, the defunct American Colonization Society, was organized by high-ranking U.S. Government officials who were slaveholders to exploit Americans of color and Africans in the American colony of Liberia, West Africa.

We demand new state and federal statutes to mitigate systemic racism by requiring all nonprofits with tax exemption registered across America to include the input of communities being served and qualified persons with lived experience in decision-making positions on the board of directors and senior management. Currently, American nonprofits with tax exemptions practice racism because they are not required by law to be diverse. That is why since the ACS fake nonprofit was organized, American nonprofits at home and abroad have been the breeding ground for racism and white supremacism.

As the world focuses on global recession, skyrocketing prices of food and fuel, the dangers of the self-inflicted wounds of nuclear-armed Russia, and Mr. Putin’s war in Ukraine, we must not  ignore the greatest threat facing the world, the demise of the only superpower!

Russia, under Mr. Putin, is attacking a foreign country with rockets and bombs. The United States of America continues to attack generations of Americans of color with officially sanctioned racism codified into law. Russia, under Putin, invaded and killed Ukrainians openly. The United States of America used American taxes and the force of the American Military to send African Americans and Native Americans to their deaths secretly because of racial hatred.

Officially sanctioned racism was envisioned, designed, weaponized, and codified into law by the U.S Congress dominated by white supremacists and slaveholders who are dead but their laws continue to harm generations of Americans.

It’s time to vote for a new BluePrint for a new democracy of all the people, not just white people. We voted for Bush-1, voted for Clinton, Voted for Bush-2, Voted for Obama, Voted for Trump, Voted for Biden….but nothing has changed because Congress, the originator of codified racism has failed to enact a single law to mitigate the dangerous harm of racial hatred destined to destroy the USA like Babylon the Great of Revelation 18. There is time to confess, repent and make amends through reparation and reconciliation.


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