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New 55th Legislature Seated: 2nd Female Senate Pres. Pro Tempore Elected, Ahead Of Boakai’s Inauguration

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CDC Lawmaker Fonati Koffa Elected Speaker, A Week To Inauguration

PHOTO: (L-R) Outgoing Senate President Pro Temporo Albert Chie, outgoing Vice President Jewel Howard Taylor, newly elected Pro Temp Nyonblee Karnga-Lawrence and incumbent Nimba County Senator a Vice Pres.-elect Jeremiah Koung

By Our Staff Writer

The second woman to become President Pro Tempore of the Liberian Senate emerged from the opening of the 55th Legislature on Monday, January 15, 2024, when Grand Bassa County Senator Nynonblee Karnga Lawrence got the unanimous approval from the newly elected and incumbent Senators.

Sen. Karnga-Lawrence, one of the incumbent Senators from the opposition Liberty Party’s faction that supported President-elect Joseph Boakai and his Unity Party, said after her election: She replaces Grand Kru County Senator Albert Chie of the ruling CDC who was recently slapped with sanctions by the United States government for alleged “significant public corruption”.

“As I embark on this journey, I am profoundly mindful of the weight of the duties and responsibilities that come with it,” she said. “The position of President Pro Tempore carries with it a solemn obligation to uphold the principles of the doctrine of the separation of powers and to maintain the independence, credibility, and integrity of the Liberian Senate.”

The Gramd Bassa County Senator has gone down in history as the Liberian woman to hold this post after former Montserrado County Senator Grace Minor during the former NPP government of ex-President Chales Taylor.

Sen. Karnga-Lawrence’s election as Senate President Pro Tempore came the same day when members of the House of Representatives elected CDC’s Grand Kru County Representative, Cllr. J. Fonati Koffa as Speaker. He had previously served as Deputy Speaker.

The seating of the new 55th Legislatures comes one week to the inauguration of President-elect Joseph Nyumah Boakai and his Vice President, Nimba County Senator Jeremiah Koung, who will constitutionally preside over the Liberian Senate.

While welcoming the incoming Senators, the newly elected Senate President Pro Tempore to move forward with optimism, unity, and a shared determination to build a better future for Liberia.

“To this cause, I pledge to discharge these duties with firm dedication, impartiality, and a deep sense of respect for every senator, irrespective of political persuasions.”

“We have a duty, and we must do it! Over the last couple of years, I have had the opportunity to work alongside members of the Senate, regardless of political affiliation, to address the pressing issues facing our country,” she said. “I firmly believe that by fostering constructive dialogue, finding common ground, and seeking bipartisan solutions, we can make steady progress through legislative oversight and the enactment of legislation that will positively impact our country and people,” said Senate President Pro Tempore Karnga-Lawrence.


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