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PUL Interim Special Elections Committee To Hold Mass Meeting With Union’s Membership Today, Friday

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Monrovia- Backed by a court a recent mandate, the joint Interim Committee of former Press Union officials (PUL) and media elders are today, Friday, July 12, 2024 slated to hold a mass meeting of members to unveil the Committee and release of the timetable and guidelines at the Union’s Headquarters on Clay Street.

According to a release from the committee, the meeting starts at 10m A.

On 18 June, the 9th Judicial Circuit Court in Gbarnga, Bong County, set aside the results of the disputed elections. While announcing the ruling, the Court mandated seven former leaders of the Union and four “media elders” to clean the membership roll and conduct fresh elections within four months. Discussions about enlisting the four “media elders” are underway.

The joint Interim Committee was recently mandated by the 9th Judicial Circuit Court to conduct fresh PUL election met for the first time on Thursday, July 4 in Monrovia.

The Committee has been holding discussions on strategies for cleaning the membership roll and developing a timetable for the conduct of the special election.

Meanwhile, the joint interim committee of former PUL leaders and media elders has disclosed that it has requested and received the contentious membership roster from the PUL Secretariat.

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