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Pres. Weah extols UN for maintaining world peace and security

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-At the UN’s 73rdAnniversary

President Weah Manneh Weah has hailed the United Nations for its sacrifices and efforts in maintaining world peace, security and the rule of law, the Executive Mansion has said in Monrovia.

He also paid tribute to men and women of the world body as well as the donor community for their countless contributions in lifting up the ideals for which the organization was founded 73 years ago.

“Liberia has been a direct beneficiary of the United Nations’ interventions and assistance, and it is now on its way to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals,” President Weah said.

The Liberian leader made the assertions on Wednesday, October 24, 2018, when he joined the UN family in Monrovia in commemorating the 73rd Anniversary of its founding.

President Weah, who was UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador in service to humanity, recalled that the UN was established in 1945 to maintain world peace and security and to improve relations amongst nations for the good of mankind.

He used the occasion to reflect on his speech at the recently held UN General Assembly where he outlined Liberia’s efforts towards maintaining peace, security and development after long years of conflict.

He told his audience that maintaining national stability in Liberia is more important and this can be achieved through dialogue amongst Liberians since peace is still fragile.

“Peace-building takes time, and we all know it is a process and not an event,” he noted, adding, “Liberians are still bearing the scars of civil war.”

President Weah promised to initiate a national peace dialogue as the best framework for sustainable and national development.

“We therefore, intend to initiate a series of national peace dialogues to achieve our goals through frank conversations at local levels, and to sensitize our youth so that they don’t repeat the mistakes of the past,” he said. “Liberia’s development and prosperity depend on sustainable peace because peace without prosperity is like an unfinished agenda.”

He called on Liberians, the UN, and the donor community to support the Pro-Poor Agenda that is designed to address Liberia’s development goals aimed at lifting Liberians out of poverty.

This year’s United Nations founding anniversary celebration is dedicated to bidding farewell to one of Africa’s greatest sons, former UN Secretary-General, Kofi Anna, who successfully devoted his life to peacemaking and conflict resolution.

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