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CALL FOR PROPOSAL: Support To Develop Media Self-Regulation

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Support to develop Media Self-Regulation and

Standalone Legislation on Personal Data Privacy & Protection in Liberia

Released March 24, 2022


The Press Union of Liberia (PUL) and the Publishers Association of Liberia (PAL) are collaborating to roll out a set of related activities on personal data privacy and protection in Liberia, which are part of the Liberia Media Initiative (LMI).

The LMI is co-financed by the European Union; and implemented by Internews in collaboration with the Center for Media Studies & Peacebuilding (CEMESP) and Local Voices Liberia Media Network (LVL). Objective 2 of the LMI seeks to develop Self-Regulation on Personal Data Privacy & Protection for the media in Liberia, and a draft standalone Legislation on same subject.

Call for Application

The PUL and PAL now, therefore, request for applications from qualified candidate(s) to deliver the following outputs:

  1. Conduct through Desk Researchto understand relationships, gaps, and potentials for synchronizing existing laws, policies and regulations on the generation, storing, usage and protection of personal data – and compile a comprehensive qualitative report.
  2. Develop easy-to-useSelf-Regulation on Personal Data Privacy & Protection for the media in Liberia; and
  3. Develop a draft standalone Legislationon Personal Data Privacy & Protection.

Other Required Deliverables

To achieve the above-mentioned deliverables, qualified candidates are required to:

  • Conduct interviews and stakeholder consultations with the media, civil society and law enforcement officers, lawyers and public agencies that collect, store and use personal data.
  • Lead validation sessions on the draft media self-regulation and draft standalone legislation.
  • Record data and reflect inputs generated from the stakeholder forums into final documents.


Eligibility & Qualification

While a team of lawyers is allowed to apply for this call, the lead lawyer must have a qualification of at least a Master of Law (LLM) degree with at least five years practice as a lawyer. The lead lawyer must submit at least one sample of his or her academic writing. Experience with legislation drafting is an added advantage.

Proposal Structure

Proposal should not exceed 3pages; and must be submitted along with resumes of team members in sealed envelopes addressed to the PUL no later than close of business on April 4, 2022. Proposal should include budget and a workplan, and address approaches to be deployed in achieving intended deliverables.

Recruitment & Deliverable Submission Timelines

  • Deadline for Submission of Proposal:             April 4, 2022
  • Selection Date:             April 6, 2022
  • Submission of Desk ResearchReport:              May 10, 2022
  • Submission of draft Media Self-Regulation… May 25, 2022
  • Submission of draft standalone Legislation.… June 30, 2022

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