
ANALYSIS: From Pages Of History: Part Four – The Tests

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By Hun-Bu Tulay

Email: ntevoma@gmail.com /Cell: +231886517356/777111032

That the most formidable adversary facing post-war Liberia is the Legislature. Mr. President there is a deep conspiracy going on. Should the Speakership crisis remain unresolved, caution is warranted: if Koffa were to depart, you may find yourself next in line.

“The lesson of history is that no one learns.” – Steven Erikson

We have been vindicated in our assertions. We would like to refer you to a feature we authored, published on September 13, 2024, entitled “From Pages of History Part Three – The Greatest Enemy.” This feature appeared in publications such as TLC, New Drawn, The Public Trust, and others. Should you have not yet read it, we encourage you to search online for “From Pages of History Part Three – The Greatest Enemy.” In this work, we posited that the most formidable adversary facing post-war Liberia is the Legislature.

In light of recent discussions concerning the proceedings within the House of Representatives, in connection with the disorganized state of the educational system, inadequate healthcare, substandard road infrastructure, insufficient water supply and sanitation, and unreliable electricity, it is concerning that members of the 55th Legislature, as alleged by the Speaker, agreed to compromise on the passage of the 2024 budget. As a compromise, the budget allocated US$100,000.00 for each member of the House of Representatives and US$150,000.00 for each member of the Senate, amounting to a total of US$11,800,000.00. This sum could potentially finance the 18.3 kilometers asphalt pavement of the road from Medina to Robertsport, the capital City of Grand Cape Mount County. This region is recognized for its exceptional beaches, which possess the capacity to develop into a significant tourist destination, potentially creating thousands of jobs for Liberians and generating substantial revenue for the nation.


History serves as an invaluable teacher, imparting vital lessons to those who embrace it. It reveals the successes and failures, as well as the strengths and resilience of our ancestors. History illustrates that in humanity’s most challenging moments, our forebears discovered their true capabilities. It brings to light the tests they endured and delineates those who triumphed from those who faltered. In the following paragraphs, we shall examine several tests faced by our forefathers and assess who succeeded and who did not.

Test of Honesty

In the past, a chief in Lower Lofa County desired to ascertain which of his four sons would inherit his position upon his passing. He summoned his sons and provided each with a seed, instructing them that the son whose seed produced the most exquisite flower would succeed him. He granted them one year to fulfill this task. Upon their return, three of the sons presented beautiful flowers, while one did not yield any.

The chief evaluated each flower, and when he reached the son without a flower, he inquired, “What transpired with your seed?” The son replied, “Father, I made every effort to cultivate a beautiful flower, but the seed did not germinate.” The chief smiled and declared, “The seeds you received were roasted seeds, which do not grow. Those of you who presented beautiful flowers altered your seeds upon realizing their inability to flourish. Consequently, you three are deemed dishonest and unfit to succeed me. Your brother, who brought no flower, is the honest one and shall succeed me.”

How many individuals of integrity exist within Boakai’s administration? Your assessment may be as valid as mine. Nevertheless, upon reflection over the past ten months, it may be challenging to identify even five honest officials in his administration. The narrative of Liberia evokes the story of Sodom and Gomorrah. Lot implored God for forgiveness on behalf of the populace, and God responded that if Lot could find ten righteous individuals, He would spare the city. Lot was unable to identify ten faithful souls, and when he sought to find five, he was again unable to succeed. What, then, might be the fate of Liberia? The actions that led to the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah such as corruption, ritualistic killings, and other transgressions are all too prevalent in contemporary Liberia, often exceeding the scale of those that were observed in Sodom and Gomorrah. These activities are observable across various sectors of society, including religious institutions, workplaces, educational establishments, and social organizations.

The Test of Faith

In elementary education, teachers often convey the story of Abraham, a devoted servant of God. According to the Biblical narrative, God instructed Abraham to sacrifice his only son, Jacob, on Mount Moriah (see Genesis 22:6-14). Abraham demonstrated his unwavering obedience by transporting Jacob to the mountain, binding him, and placing him on the altar. Just as he raised the knife to execute the sacrifice, an angel of the Lord intervened. A ram appeared and was sacrificed in place of Jacob. Abraham successfully passed this divine test, leading to the multiplication of his descendants.

Another Test of Faith

Moses also served as a faithful representative of God. Throughout his leadership, he encountered numerous tests; however, he ultimately failed the final test of obedience, which resulted in his exclusion from the Promised Land. After guiding the children of Israel toward this land, they arrived at Kadesh in the wilderness of Zin, where they expressed dissatisfaction over the scarcity of water. God directed Moses to speak to the rock, promising that it would yield water (refer to Numbers 20:8: “Take the rod; you and your brother Aaron assemble the congregation and speak to the rock before their eyes. It shall bring forth water for them out of the rock and let the congregation and their livestock drink.”). Regrettably, Moses did not adhere to this command. Instead of speaking to the rock, he struck it with a rod, which he had previously used to part the Red Sea. This act of disobedience provoked God’s anger and consequently barred Moses from entering the Promised Land. This narrative illustrates that failure to adhere to divine instructions may hinder one’s advancement to subsequent levels of success.


The Test of Seduction

The Biblical account of Joseph, the son of Jacob, is widely recognized. After being sold into slavery by his brothers, Joseph found himself in Egypt, serving as a steward to Potiphar, an officer of Pharaoh. Joseph eventually ascended to a prominent position within the palace. Potiphar’s wife made several attempts to seduce Joseph; however, he consistently rebuffed her advances, prioritizing his moral obligations and his regard for God. His actions reflected a steadfast commitment to his principles. Throughout his tenure in the palace, Joseph exemplified five essential traits of authentic leadership: adherence to values and behavior, self-discipline and consistency, the ability to foster relationships through connectedness, a heart of compassion, and a passionate sense of purpose. These qualities ultimately facilitated Joseph’s elevation to a top position within Pharaoh’s government. In contrast, such leadership qualities are notably absent among certain officials in Joseph Boakai’s administration.

Joseph Nyumah Boakai Sr.’s Evaluation

“Intellectuals solve problems; geniuses prevent them.”  

Albert Einstein

Individuals often encounter challenges as they navigate through life. Many of these challenges can be resolved or, in certain instances, prevented altogether. We possess the agency to prevent these issues; by doing so, we can proceed smoothly. Conversely, failure to prevent challenges can lead to obstacles that impede progress, and if unresolved, they may culminate in failure.

The Boakai Administration has faced numerous challenges over the past ten months, including mismanagement of public funds, corruption across various government branches, inadequate infrastructure characterized by 285 yellow machines, and deplorable road conditions despite the Ministry of Public Works receiving $22 million intended to ensure that vehicles do not become stranded. Additional challenges include a troubled education system, substandard healthcare facilities, insufficient water and sanitation in urban areas, particularly in Monrovia, inconsistent electricity supply, drug abuse, high levels of youth unemployment, flooding in several communities in Monrovia and other counties, as well as the ongoing crisis within the House of Representatives, which poses a risk of a shutdown if unresolved within the next three weeks.

It is worth considering whether some of these challenges could have been prevented if there were individuals of exceptional capability within the government. Do such individuals currently exist in the Boakai Administration? Even if they do, could they have averted some or all of these difficulties? The unequivocal answer appears to be no. Had these individuals possessed the leadership qualities attributed to Joseph, which include values and behavior, self-discipline and consistency, the ability to cultivate relationships, compassion, and a passionate sense of purpose, we would likely have witnessed the manifestation of these qualities in the majority of government officials. Regrettably, those in positions of power seem to pursue individual agendas that diverge from the agendas set forth by President Boakai.


In a prior assessment, we recommended that the president institute performance contracts for everyone nominated to positions within the government. This suggestion was not implemented. Notably, Hon. John S. Morlu II also presented a similar recommendation to the president. Consequently, we find ourselves in a precarious situation due to the failure to heed this prudent advice.

Proposed Course of Action

In the same vein as grappling with complex problems during one’s academic journey, often discovering solutions that are readily available. President Boakai has the capacity to resolve the ongoing Speakership crisis if he thoroughly examines the resources within his immediate reach. The documents and materials on his desk may offer valuable insights. Relying solely on advisors and ministers may not yield the best outcomes, as they may prioritize their own agendas over the president’s agendas.  We say this because of a recent story shared with us. On Saturday, November 1, 2024, we had the opportunity to engage with a close acquaintance who provided insights into the current governmental challenges. This individual recently met with a government minister, who conveyed, “This is our opportunity because we do not know how long Boakai will serve as president.”


It is pertinent to remind those of us from similar age groups of the well-regarded science fiction series, Star Trek. In one particular episode, Lieutenant Hikaru Sulu, the computer expert aboard the spacecraft, faced court-martial after providing incorrect navigational directives. During the trial, his attorney contested the accuracy of the computer’s data, realizing something had indeed gone awry. After dedicating three weeks to research, the lawyer uncovered the evidence necessary to exonerate his client. In a similar fashion, President Boakai should seek the counsel of trusted friends rather than relying exclusively on government officials; these friends remained loyal during his most challenging times, even if it has since become difficult to reconnect. Mr. President, you possess their contact information; it would be prudent to reach out.

The individuals in your circle remain steadfastly loyal and are prepared to assist you in achieving success. Nevertheless, it is imperative for you, Mr. President, to undertake the sanitization of all branches of government. Without this critical step, the implementation of your agendas may prove to be exceedingly challenging. Collaboration with the heads of the other two branches is essential. Successfully sanitizing the Legislative Branch will represent a significant advancement toward the prosperity of the country. The Legislative Branch will play a significant advancement toward the prosperity of the country.

Note of Caution

In times of governmental transition, it is our belief that the incoming administration should adopt a more people-centered approach than its predecessors. However, we have observed a contrary trend. Mr. President, upon reflection, one would agree that the administration of the True Whig Party, which was overthrown on April 12, 1980, was notably more responsive to the needs of the populace than the subsequent elected governments.

For example, the nation’s healthcare system was more advanced compared to that of many West African countries. Patients from neighboring regions sought medical treatment in Liberia, particularly at John F. Kennedy Hospital. There was an abundance of medical supplies and qualified personnel, even in the most remote villages across the nation. Likewise, the educational system was robust, offering well-resourced elementary, junior high, and senior high schools, as well as a reputable University of Liberia. Students from various regions of Africa, as well as from Europe and America, pursued their studies in Liberia. In contrast, many of today’s educational institutions lack essential resources such as libraries, textbooks, and laboratories, and often employ inadequately prepared instructors. As previously stated by a former president, the current educational system is in a state of disarray. Furthermore, traversing the country has become increasingly challenging, a marked departure from the circumstances prior to 1980.

In a previous commentary, we suggested that your presidency possesses a significant opportunity to steer the nation toward prosperity. Regrettably, we have not observed substantial progress in this regard over the past ten months. Many of the criticisms leveled at the True Whig Party government in 1980 have resurfaced and become entrenched in the administrations that have followed. The electorate placed great hope in your leadership, but that hope is waning. There are indications that protests are imminent; an organized demonstration against certain members of the House of Representatives is already being planned, with the potential for further protests on various issues.

As an adage wisely states, “ if one wishes to assist a leader, they should provide them with the truth; if one is seeking to aid themselves, they might resort to deceit.” It is imperative to consider that many individuals in your inner circle may not be providing you with an accurate portrayal of the realities at hand.

Be advised to heed the history lessons.

Mr. President there is a deep conspiracy going on. Should the Speakership crisis remain unresolved, caution is warranted: if Koffa were to depart, you may find yourself next in line.





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