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NPHIL Says COVID-19 Is Real, But “No Nose Mask, No Ride” Not Holding in Liberia

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As Liberians, Business owners Abandoned Hand washing

By Edwin M. Fayia, III,

A unique and popular slogan placed on thousands of commercial and private vehicles which reads: “NPHIL Says COVID19 Is Real, No Nose Mask, No Ride,” is a complete irony in Liberia.

NPHIL is the National Public Health Institute and majority of the occupants of those vehicles continues to ignore the use of the nose mask in many parts of Liberia.

By August 3, 2020, Liberia has recorded  78 COVID-19 deaths with a total of 1, 216 confirmed cases of Coronavirus across this West African state.

At several check points, entertainment centers, business areas such as Red-Light, Duala, Waterside and Rally Time markets, Liberians and some foreign business people continue to ignore if not have abandoned the use of the nose masks.

Accordingly, the World Health Organization, global health partners and Liberian medical authorities have strongly advised all categories of people to the use the nose masks and wash hands every few minutes in all parts of the world.

Specifically in Liberia, despite of the extensive health and security measures instituted by health authorities’ majority of Liberians in public gatherings continue to demonstrate defiance and on some occasions engaged the security personnel into verbal and physical confrontations.

In a week tour of the five major business districts of Montserrado County and several encounters with the broad spectrum of the Liberian population, it has become very clear that majority of the Liberians have abandoned the hand washing and the continuous use of the nose masks at most of the public gatherings.

A few months ago, several major mosques in Liberia especially Montserrado County, worshippers during the Ramadan prayers and celebrations, members of that religious group abandoned and ignored the use of the nose masks citing embarrassments to them when trying to pray and recite the holy Quran.

In spite of the intensive publicity in the form of awareness on the dangers of the COVID19 pandemic, Liberians continue to ignore the use of the nose masks, washing hands and the critical component social distancing at most the business centers and public gatherings in the country.

Many of the media outlets in Liberia especially radio stations and some televisions have produced jingles, spot messages and daily magazine programs aimed at urging Liberians and foreign residents of the dangers of the Corona Virus Disease in the country.

Regrettably, such messages continue to fall on deaf ears of Liberians and foreign residents throughout the country principally due to the fact that many Liberians have pointed out that the COVID19 is not in the country.

However, statistics from the Incident Management System under the auspices of the National Public Health Institute of Liberia (NPHIL) continues to report about deaths, suspected and confirmed cases in several parts of the country.

Besides, NPHIL has also reported confirmed cases of Liberians being treated and discharged from the fourteen (14) Military Hospital Northeast of Monrovia and some parts of the country.

Moreover, despite of the defiant attitudes of Liberians and some foreign residents to observe the health protocols and restrictions during the just ended State of Emergency declared by the Liberian Government, health authorities and practitioners in Liberia continue to demonstrate resiliene, fortitude and determination.

In a brief interview with a Physician Assistant Darlington Fallah Kendima noted that Liberians and their foreign counterparts should return to status quo and strictly observe the health protocols issued by the WHO and other global health partners, in order to beat back and defeat the COVID-19 spread in the country.  

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