
MCA-L Supply And Delivery Advert

(Last Updated On: )

                                              REPUBLIC OF LIBERIA

                                      MILLENNIUM CHALLENGE ACCOUNT         

                                                              2nd & 3rd Floors, F & F Building

                                                   63 United Nations Drive, Coconut Plantation, Mamba Point

                                                                                Monrovia. Liberia

                                                      Tel: +231 7701 44444 / 0888 828 988; Email:




Supply and Delivery of a Double Cabin Pick-up Vehicle and Two Motorcycles for Roads Project

 Background and Context

The United States of America, acting through the Millennium Challenge Corporation (“MCC”) and the Government of Liberia (the “Government” or “GoL”) have entered a Millennium Challenge Compact for Millennium Challenge Account assistance to help facilitate poverty reduction through economic growth in Liberia (the “Compact”) in the amount of approximately 256,726,000 USD (“MCC Funding”). The Government, acting through Millennium Challenge Account – Liberia (the “MCA Entity”), intends to apply a portion of the MCC Funding to eligible payments under a contract for which the Request for Quotation (“RFQ”) is issued.

MCA-Liberia now invites priced quotation from eligible firms/suppliers for Supply and Delivery of a Double Cabin Pick-up Vehicle and Two Motorcycles for Roads Project.

The RFQ is for:

Supply and Delivery of a Double Cabin Pick-up Vehicle and Two Motorcycles for Roads Project

How to Participate in the Process:

Interested firms/suppliers should send an email to requesting a copy of the RFQ, which is free of charge.

Important dates:


No. Activity Dates
1 Release of RFQ October 26, 2020
2 Last date for questions/clarifications October 29, 2020 @5:00pm
3 MCA Response to Questions/Clarifications November 2, 2020
4 Deadline for Submission of Quotations November 4, 2020 at 5:00pm


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