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Opposition Politician Cautions Liberia’s Opposition Ahead Of 2023 Polls

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PHOTO: Legislative aspirant and one-one Radio Disc Jorkey, Emmanuel Dahn

By Augustine Octavius,

A legislative aspirant in Montserrado County electoral district #7 has cautioned his fellow opposition politicians against just attacking leaders in the government.

Mr. Emmanuel Dahn, Chief Executive Officer of the Excellence Communications Incorporated which runs the local Joy FM radio in Monrovia, who contested the seat in the 2017 elections on the former ruling Unity Party (UP) ticket but lost.

The broadcaster/Radio Disc Jorkey-turned politician said that he does not have to attack leaders in the government and the opposition before addressing the wellbeing of the people in his district.

According to him, his primary concern is to address the health, socio and economic problems affecting the residents of the District Seven, Montserrado County.

Mr. Dahn was speaking when the Emmanuel Dahn Foundation in collaboration with the Jam Records dedicated a brand new recording studio to be used free of charge for musicians on Ashmun Street in Monrovia on Wednesday, September 27, 2022.

His desire to establish the Jam Recording Studio is to reduce the expenses face by musicians in the recording of the music, he told the occasion.

“When I opened the Joy FM, the vocational school and medical clinics, Mr. Dahn went, “some other politicians were saying I am just wasting my money because I am doing it in order to buy votes.”

“Some politicians hide under the cover of advocacy and do not want to do anything tangible for the people they want to govern,” he said; adding: “but I will continue to work for the welfare of the people even the elect me or not.”

In remarks, the President of the Musician Union of Liberia, Tony Kagbedeh appealed to musicians to create a new image of the country among the comity of nations.

            Tony Kagbedeh                                       

He claimed that the union is about to adopt a resolution for companies operating in Liberia to begin using Liberian musicians as brand for their products locally and internationally.

Mr. Kagbedeh thanked Mr. Dahn for establishing a recording studio for musicians to record their music free of charge and cautioned them to take advantage of this gesture.

The program was graced by a cross session of musicians, media practitioners and disc jockeys from various parts of the country.


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