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AFPR Community Consultation On Regulating Digital Platforms Across Liberia

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n response to growing concerns about data privacy, misinformation, and market dominance, the African Youth Peer Review Committee has recently conducted two days of community consultation on regulating digital platforms.

The platforms is being supported by the United Nations Education Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) and the Innovation for Policy Foundation (I4PF).

The consultation process, which is part of the Internet Trust Project, sought to engage students, citizens, businesses, and experts to gather diverse perspectives and recommendations for the development of comprehensive regulations, through the Draft V3.0 of UNESCO guidelines.

Digital platforms have become integral to our daily lives, facilitating communication, commerce, and access to information.

However, their immense influence has raised pressing issues that require careful regulation. Recognizing the need to address these concerns, the community consultation was designed to ensure that public input and opinions are taken into account when formulating policies. Through a combination of online surveys, public meetings, expert presentations, and written submissions, the community consultation gathered insights from a wide range of stakeholders – especially students.

Several key themes emerged from the consultation process:

The public expressed overwhelming support for stricter regulations to safeguard user data and enhance transparency in data handling practices. Concerns were raised about the excessive collection and commercial exploitation of personal information by digital platforms. Participants emphasized the need for improved consent mechanisms and stronger user control over their data.

There was a strong demand for more effective and transparent content moderation practices to combat hate speech, disinformation, and online harassment. Balancing the need for freedom of expression with the responsibility to tackle harmful content was emphasized. Participants called for clearer guidelines and mechanisms to address the spread of misinformation and disinformation.

Participants expressed concerns about the dominance of certain digital platforms and their potential anti-competitive behavior. There were calls for stronger antitrust regulations and measures to ensure a level playing field for smaller businesses. The importance of promoting innovation and competition in the digital marketplace was also emphasized.

The consultation highlighted the need for greater transparency regarding algorithmic decision-making processes to minimize bias and discrimination. Participants demanded mechanisms to hold digital platforms accountable for the outcomes of their algorithms. Understanding the inner workings of recommendation systems and personalized content delivery was also deemed essential.

Based on the community consultation findings, the African Youth Peer Review Committee will consider a range of policy recommendations to address the issues associated with digital platforms. These recommendations include strengthening data protection and privacy regulations, enhancing content moderation practices, promoting competition and fairness, and ensuring algorithmic accountability.

African Youth Peer Review Committee officials expressed their gratitude for the active participation of the community members and stakeholders throughout the consultation process.

They emphasized the significance of community input in shaping the future regulatory landscape and ensuring that digital platforms operate in the best interest of the public.

Moving forward, the African Youth Peer Review Committee remains committed to ongoing engagement with communities and stakeholders to develop comprehensive and balanced regulatory frameworks that address the challenges posed by digital platforms while protecting user rights and fostering innovation.

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