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LPP Presidential Candidate Gongloe Declares: “We Want To Change Liberia Story For Better”

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Cautions Compatriots To “Jealously Guard Liberia’s Peace”

PHOTO: Cllr. Tiwan Gongloe, LPP Standard Bearer

Presidential Candidate for Liberian People’s Party (LPP), Tiawan Saye Gongloe has told his compatriots that he wants to change the Liberia’s story for the better, lifting it from being the tenth poorest country in the world.

Cllr. Gongloe, who is former President of the Liberian National Bar Association (LNBA), also vowed to change Liberia from one of the dirtiest countries in Africa, and the 7th country in the world with the highest death rate among pregnant women during childbirth, among other bad conditions to a better one.

The LPP presidential candidate will in less than two months’ time be facing 19 other presidential contenders including incumbent President George Manneh Weah of the ruling CDC party.

He stated that he will do so by scrupulously upholding the rule of law and running a corruption-free government.

“We call on all Liberians to jealously guard the peace that we enjoy today,” he asserted.

The LPP presidential candidate believes that Liberians must not forget that our brothers and sisters from the Economic Community of West African States died in Liberia for us to have peace stating that 17,000 UN peacekeeping force comprising citizens from nearly all continents of the world made great sacrifices in Liberia for peace.

Cllr. Gongloe was speaking earlier this week (Tuesday) during the first fundraising dinner held at a local hotel in Monrovia for the Liberian People’s Party (LPP).

The program brought together an array of dignitaries from both past and present regimes including friends of numerous organizations in the country of which the presidential candidate has been part of for years.

He pointed out that any action by a Liberian politician to promote violence is a display of ingratitude to the international community and a betrayal of Liberia.

The former chief state prosecutor of Liberia said that Liberian people should squarely reject any politician that undermines the peace and unity of Liberia. Let it be clear that the presidency of Liberia is nobody’s exclusive entitlement or inheritance.

Therefore, he went further to say that no politician should use any means possible, even if it causes people to get hurt or create disunity. Such posture by any politician is a sign of insensitivity and reckless disregard of pains and sufferings that Liberians have suffered over the years.

Cllr. Gongloe pointed out, “let it be clear that the presidency of Liberia is nobody’s exclusive entitlement or inheritance therefore, no politician should use any means possible, even if it causes people to get hurt or create disunity”.

He continued: “That posture by any politician is a sign of insensitivity and reckless disregard of pains and sufferings that Liberians have suffered over the years indicating that LPP is a party of peace and unity and will never engage in political violence, no matter who provokes it.”

“Our motto is unity and honesty for peace and progress. As the standard bearer of the LPP, I will be the first to condemn and call for the punishment of any member of the LPP that engages in violence. We believe in adherence to the rule of law and respect for human rights,” Gongloe noted.

Before proceeding further with the program, the LPP Standard Bearer called for a moment of silence to the memories of former Interim President, Dr. Amos Claudius Sawyer and other fallen LPP stalwarts.

They include John Tubu Karnweaye, former founding Chairman and Vice Chairman of the LPP including former founding Secretary General, Wuo Garbe Tappia, Wiwi Debbah, and all the other founding members of the LPP who could not live to see this day and the over three hundred thousand Liberians who were killed during the 14 years of civil conflict in Liberia.

The LPP presidential candidates hailed the LPP’s persistence, consistency, and insistency in standing up for the people of Liberia many of its members were put in jail, left the country for exile for threats on their lives, while others went underground in Liberia and some were killed.

On the upcoming elections, Cllr. Gongloe said he and his running mate will find it easy to accomplish their mission because both of them are known for respecting the rule of law, human rights and not being corrupt.

He further promised that they will lead by example by urging all Liberians present last night to join the broom revolution for a better Liberia is possible.

“We, members of the LPP, made great sacrifices for a better Liberia, a Liberia in which there would be no discrimination on the basis of ethnic origin, religion, creed, or region,” said the LPP presidential candidate.

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