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Mark Keshen’s Senatorial Bid: Who Is He?

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As the race for the Montserrado County by-election senatorial election draws closer, one Liberia’s youthful entrepreneurs in the presence of Mr. Mark Keshen, affectionately known as ‘FOX’ has expressively vowed to capture votes of the people of Montserrado County in the coming elections.

A native of Liberia who hailed from southeastern Liberia, Maryland County, Gedetabo, Pleboe Soloken District to be specific, the son of Mother, Madam Susana Komenee Bedell who moved to Monrovia in the early 1970s with his siblings and took-up residence in Jarket, Logan Town and later to New Kru Town, Bushrod Island, West Point and other areas.

His Academic Pursuit

Little Mark as he was usually called during his early age enrolled at the St. Mary’s Catholic School in Duala, Bushrod Island where he started his Primary Education. Having graduated from the elementary division, he then entered the Botswen Junior High school on Jamaica Road, Bushrod Island embarking on his educational journey, and also enrolled into the William V.S. Tubman High School on 12th Street in Sinkor, Monrovia.

Hon. Mark Keshen or Fox is a brilliance recipient of a Bachelor of Electronic Engineering (BEE) degree from the State of Israel. There, he earned a vast experience in Water, Sanitation and Forestry and has a professional certificate in the field of civil engineering particularly low volume roads and bridges construction. He is happily married with six living children.

The Beginning of His Success Story

Being a humanitarian, Honorable Mark Keshen recently contributed financially to the University of Liberia Student Union/ULSU scholarship fund drive, and also contributed to the Cuttington Graduate School, during the institution’s drive on the construction advancement.

At his home community, Hotel Africa, the Montserrado County incoming Senator has made several contributions aimed at bringing together the youthful population through sports.

He was also the moving factor for the rehabilitation of the Chicken Soup Factory Community Road and the revamping of various  markets for the use of the women in that community.

The Fox vision Movement which gave birth to his quest for the Montserrado County by-election, is currently running series of scholarship programs to be given to top students to afford them the opportunities to be better persons for tomorrow.

This Movement also provided dozens of loam opportunities to serious market women aimed at empowering them with those incentives that will enable mostly single mothers to have opportunities to develop themselves for a better tomorrow.

His financial contributions to various academic institutions and the disable around Montserrado County, including financial aid to countless number of students have indeed proven that his services to humanity have no border.

Mr. Mark Keshen’s services to the people of Liberia, mostly the people of Montserrado County a County he honestly cherished has no border; promoting programs in Churches, and in communities scouting  out for those who are indeed in real needs of help to start a new life .

His Fox vision Movement worked with communities’ leadership to enable a start-up projects like Sanitation unit by supplying material needed to enable a clean communities and where the residents will contribute a little as a fee for the services to continue such services. Lastly, Mr. Keshen is a breadwinner of over 280 orphans in the County feeding them on a regular basis. Yes indeed he is a human without border.

Mr. Mark Keshen has severed in many reputable organizations providing his professional services to mankind locally and internationally including General Coordinator for Sipam Congo, Resident Manager of the OTC and many other renowned institutions.

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