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In Maryland County: Circuit Court Judge Warns Debt Court Magistrate

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To Observe Jurisdiction 

By Charles Gbayor,

HARPER, Liberia The Resident Circuit Judge of Fourth Judicial Circuit Court  in the southeastern Maryland County, Nelson T Tokpa has sent out a caveat to to the Acting Debt Court  Magistrate.

Judge Tokpa told acting Magistrate Jefford Torborh to observe section 4.2 and 4.3 of the new judicial law based upon his refusal to serve one position at a time or legal action will be taken against him.

According to Judge Tokpa, Judge Jefford Torbor was transferred from the Gedetarbo Magisterial Court to the Harper City Magisterial   and the Debt Court as acting Stipendiary Magistrate on November1, 2017  by Chief Justice Francis Korpor, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Liberia.

But the because of the Debt Court Judge Jonah Segbeh’s retirement, the Chief Justice in his wisdom assigned him to act as Debt court judge until further instructions from the office of the Chief Justice.

And he further directed that Magistrate Dweh T Morgan take over the Harper City Court along with the newly assigned associate Magistrate, Jainelu S Teegwiah.

Speaking to the Newspublic trust Newspaper Maryland County Corresponden.

Judge Tokpa Tokpa lamented that Magistrate Torbor has deliberately refused to turn over the position of the Harper City  Magisterial Court  as being commanded by the Chief Justice Of Liberia. 

Contrary to the above, we have observed over the years that despite the clear and concise instructions from the Chief Justice, you have failed to fully comply with said instructions and have been proceeding in errors by refusing to allow Magistrate Dweh T. Morgan to man the hearing court mentioned supra.

Judge Tokpa told Journalists that until the chief justice revokes your appointment as Acting Debt Court Judge or upon appointment of a Lawyer by the President of Liberia as Debt Court Judge for the Country, you are without Jurisdiction to man the Harper City Court and  hear Criminal Cases as sitting Magistrate 

Speaker further, Judge Tokpa therefore said as a Chief judicial administrator in my jurisdiction representing the Chief Justice of the honorable Supreme Court,  I held a meeting with Magistrate  Torborh  and the three Magistrates May 26 this year  in my chamber.”

At the meeting Hon Torborh was ordered to turn over the Harper City Magisterial  Court to allow Magistrate Dweh T Morgan to man the court along with Jaineju S.Teegwiah. This is said to be  in full compliance with the instruction of Chief Justice Korpor.

When contacted by, the current acting Stipendiary  Magistrate, Jefford Torborh said at his Harper City Hall Office that he Reserved comment and was not willing to speak to any  Journalist on said matter.

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