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“Aquaculture a Foundation For Investment And Development In Liberia”

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PHOTO: View of the Africa Rice Demonstration Fish-Rice farm CARI Bong County

The Deputy Director General for Administration at the National Fisheries and Aquaculture Authority NaFAA, Augustine M. Manoballah has asserted that aquaculture is the bedrock for investment and development in Liberia.

A NaFAA press release says Mr. Manoballah assured that the CDC-led government has promised to give more attention to the development of the aquaculture sector as it is with the marine fisheries sector which is attracting more investment.

Speaking over the weekend in Suakoko Bong County during the official launch of the DeSIRA Integrated Rice-Fish Farming System Project, a research and extension development based initiative to improve food security and nutrition in Liberia, Hon. Manoballah assured that aquaculture remains a major priority under the CDC government.

NaFAA DDGA Augustine M. Manoballah Marking Remarks

Furthermore, the Deputy Director General for Administration termed as a good beginning for the development and transformation of the Liberian Aquaculture sector the introduction of the Africa Rice DeSIRA Integrated project of Rice-Fish Farming with support from the European Union delegation to Liberia.

He said the Africa Rice DeSIRA Rice-Fish Farming project is gear toward promoting and enhancing the CDC leg government agenda of developing the aquaculture sector which has been long underdeveloped.

Mr. Manoballah commended the European Union delegation to Liberia for been supportive of the Liberian fisheries sector and other projects geared toward promoting development in Liberia. He promised that NaFAA will remain engaged with Africa Rice, the Ministry of Agriculrure and other partners in ensuring the success of the fish-rice project.

Deputy Director General Manoballah disclosed that NaFAA is also engaging with other international partners to ensure that Aquaculture is given what he termed a “serious priority” so that fish from the ponds across Liberia will flood the local markets at affordable rates.

Hon. Manoballah said the government through NaFAA believes that Aquaculture is a perfect sector to substitute for the Marine fisheries which is under immense pressure in terms of producing the required protein needs for Liberians.

He mentioned that the government of Liberia through National Fisheries and Aquaculture Authority NaFAA and the Ministry of Agriculture is making efforts to meet the needs of hundreds of fish farmers across Liberia in as a means to make aquaculture a Key priority. Hon. Manoballah made the statement in Suskoko Bong County when he served as a proxy at the Africa Rice, fish and rice project official launch for his Boss Madam Emma Metieh Glassco Director General of NaFAA.

Meanwhile, the DeSIRA Integrated Rice-Fish Farming System Project, a research and extension development based initiative to improve food security and nutrition in Liberia was officially launched by the Minister of Agriculture Janie Cooper.

Counties of intervention for the Africa Rice Fish and Rice project include in Gbarpolu, Grand Gedeh, Maryland, Margibi, and Rivergee, ends the NaFAA press release signed by its Director of Communications and Media Servives, Lewis B. Konoe.

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