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Calm Returns To Konia, Lofa, After 2 Persons Were Killed Over The Weekend In Post-Elections Fracas

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Bringing To 4, The Number Of Deaths In Lofa County’s Elections-Related Violence

PHOTO: Konia town in Lofa County

By Tokpa Tarnue,

VOINJAMA, Liberia- Calm has returned to Konia Town, Zeyeama Clan in Zorzor District, northwestern Lofa County, after two persons were allegedly killed over the weekend in post-elections violence.

This latest incident will now bring to four the number of people killed in Lofa as a result of elections-related violence. On September 29, 2023, two persons were killed and several others injured in violent clashes between supporters of President George Weah’s ruling CDC party and those of the main opposition Unity Party (UP) of former Vice President Joseph Foya. AFL Soldiers Dispatched To Foya, As 2 Persons Confirmed Dead In UP-CDC Clashes – News Public Trust

According to eyewitnesses who talked to journalists on the crime scene, The late John G. Kolubah (identifed as a UP supporter) and his alleged murderer, Oldman Dorboryan Kesselly were close friends who did things as a family prior to their demise.

Sources, who briefly talked to Journalists, said Oldman allegedly mobbed John to death with an object in a row over the 2023 presidential election result.

A neighbor to the decease who spoke on condition of anonymity revealed”: Oldman jumped on the man with fighting because the man tell him say this election pa, lay Papay force to win it, da what make him vex, because he was like CDC business bad way.”

Oldman, a palm wine tapper was known by many in his community for his diehard love for the ruling CDC of President George Weah.

“Even the palm wine he used to bring, if you want some just say CDC will win…da wan lay man will give you palm wine you drink free seh, but if you talk different party business ownpa then you will not drink some of the wine,” an anonymous source said.

A stalwart of the CDC local leadership in Zorzor District also confirmed to Journalist in a whistle conversation that Oldman was always zealous about his party and expressed it by always wearing his beret whenever there was a political occasion.

“My brother was 37 years old, he and old man was too friendly, infact Oldman was his care taker because he was sick; he took my brother to the clinic just few days for medicine seh, but I don’t really know wetting really happened he did this thing, my mouth full she,” Mr. Garyah Gbozee, brother of the late John G. Kolubah narrated.

Konia Town chief Garbo speaking to the CSD commander for Zorzor and Salayea districts disclosed that Oldman was allegedly mobbed to death by angry crowd after his unlawful action against his colleague without any culpable reason.

Mix views from spectators who visited the crime scene raised doubting concerns about the validity of the claim that Oldman allegedly killed John because of their political argument over the election results.

Several persons were listed by the CSD as persons of interest who are poised to be taken to Zorzor for investigation about the mob action against the alleged Perpetrator.

As seen below is also a video showing the house of the deceased Perpetrator that was set at blaze by angry  crowd.

Konia Town is located in the Zeyeama clan, Zorzor District Lofa County in northern Liberia, with dominant Unity Party supporters.


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