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“Double Casualty” For LWSC: 2 Major Water Pipelines Rupture

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PHOTO: Areas along the 36” & 16” pipelines from White Plains

By Mark N. Mengonfia,

Liberia’s capital, Monrovia and the Paynesville suburb and other surrounding communities will be without pipe borne water for an indefinite period due to what the management of the state owned Liberia Water and Sewer Corporation, LWSC described as “ double casualty “.

The two pipelines at the 36-inch and 16-inch which from the water treatment plant at White Plains many miles outside Monrovia.

According to the Communication Director of LWSC Mr. Nimpson Todd, both the Corporation’s transmission pipelines experienced separate raptures or break early Thursday morning (January 21, 2021).

Mr. Todd said technicians of the Corporation on early Thursday morning discovered the separate raptures on both transmission pipelines while normal supply and distribution were ongoing across the city.

“It’s so sad that we will have to endure these kinds of situations all the time,” Mr. Todd said.

The rapture or break down of the sixteen inch transmission pipeline comes barely a day after another spot on the facility was repaired and water restored via the system.

According to the LWSC’s Spokesperson, the new rapture or breakdown on the recently repaired sixteen inch transmission pipeline, at a different location means that supply and distribution of water to several communities on the Bushrod Island and adjacent communities will be disrupted.

The Liberia Water and Sewer Corporation management also disclosed that several communities including Paynesville, Johnsonville, Gardnersville and Barnersville and RIA highway will be out of water as a result of the Thursday, January 21 breakdown of its facilities.

The corporation through its Communication head further disclosed that Congo, Sinkor, Kakata highway and central Monrovia are additional communities affected by the incident.

“We are so saddened and it frustrates our efforts to adequately serve our people,” Mr. Todd furthered asserted.

The LWSC’s Communication Director blamed the rupture or break down to what he calls an old aged infrastructure.

Todd however refused to start how long these communities will be without water, nothing that LWSC technicians were assessing the damage for what he calls “ a rapid repair “.

“We are frustrated at this point, I cannot state the level of damage and how long our people will be without water; all I can say is both our transmission pipelines are down; they got raptured at different locations following recent repairs”, LWSC communication Director told the media .

According the Nimpson Todd, the current infrastructure at the Corporation has outlived it is useless and there is a rapid need for the system to be replaced.

“Since 1967, the current system at LWSC has been in existence serving the Liberian people, it’s about time that this old aged infrastructure be replaced to meet with the current population size of our city and its surroundings”,Todd narrated .

The LWSC Spokesperson noted at the time the infrastructure was constructed, it was meant to serve about four hundred thousand (400,000) inhabitants and had a lifespan of twenty -five ( 25 ) years but unfortunately, the system is currently serving over one million (1m) inhabitants and had lasted for over fifty (50) years.

Todd however reaffirmed the corporation’s commitment to restoring water supply to the affected communities in the soonest possible time as according to him, water is life and his Management does not take pleasure in reneging our it’s responsibilities.

“At this point , I like to announce that His Excellency, our President George Weah has himself expressed the need for the infrastructure to be replaced so as to enable the LWSC serve his people well without hundred “; Todd disclosed .

Nimpson Todd added that the CDC led government has committed itself to sourcing funding for the replacement of the old- aged infrastructure.

According to the LWSC chief spokesman,the World Bank has also committed itself and approved some funding towards procuring a new transmission system for the LWSC.

“The problem with our system is not this government but this government is making frantic efforts to have the entire system replaced ;Todd noted.

“Though I cannot state now how long the affected communities will be without water but I can assure the public and the areas in question that water is coming soon,” Mr. Todd said optimistically.

LWSC has had incessant breakdown me of both it is thirty- six and sixteen inch ( 36 & 16 ) transmission pipeline due to what the Cooperation calls “ old aged Infrastructure“.

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