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Liberia Crusaders For Peace Congratulates COVID-19 Awareness Volunteers

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Begins Payment This Week

The Liberia Crusaders for Peace congratulates the 2,500 volunteers who have worked as social mobilizers and communicators on Covid-19 prevention since March, 2020, for a job well done and for exercising patience during the process.

From the onset of the Covid-19 outbreak in Liberia, the LCP and the Monrovia City Government recruited, trained and deployed the 2,500 volunteers into the various communities across Montserrado and Margibi Counties to educate the public on how to prevent coronavirus.

The Liberia Crusaders for Peace has secured funding for two months and payment of Mobilizers and Communicators will take place at the LCP Headquarters on the Capitol Byepass next week.

According to a LCP release, payment schedule will be communicated through the various Structural Heads and the process will be photographed as a mark of transparency and for auditing purposes. Payment for Vendors that rendered services during Covid-19 awareness exercise is in process.

Liberia Crusaders for Peace has strongly warned against the use of proxy and urged all volunteers to show up in person to collect their money. Volunteers are also asked to come with valid ID Cards such as National ID, Voter ID or Passport.

Meanwhile all communicators and mobilizers are advised to return their working Jackets, Mega Phones and tags issued by the Liberia Crusaders for Peace.

At the same time, LCP will have in place all the various health protocols including hand washing and volunteers are to wear their nose masks and keep a social distance to avoid over crowdedness.

Liberia Crusaders for Peace reassures the general public of its commitment to international best practices as it continues its collaboration with the government of Liberia through the MCC, the Ministry of Health and the National Public Health Institute of Liberia (NPHIL) to help put an end to the covid-19 pandemic.

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