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PUL Interim Committee Releases Rerun Election, As Cleaning Of Membership List Continues

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PHOTO: Former PUL President, Peter Quaqua, Interim Committee Chairman

PUL Interim Leadership Committee                                                                                                                            

Press Release

Monrovia – 4 September 2024–In keeping with the mandate of the Resident Judge of the 9th Judicial Circuit Court, in Gbarnga, Bong County, The Press Union of Liberia Interim Committee (IC) announces the timetable for the rerun of the disputed election of November 19, 2022.

The Union will convene an Extraordinary Congress for the sole purpose of rerunning the election on September 21, 2024, at the SKD Sports Complex in Monrovia.

Ahead of the rerun, the IC will release the second provisional membership roster for verification from September 5 to 10. The final membership roll will be released on September 14th, consistent with the Union’s Constitution and Code of Conduct, after the list is cleaned as mandated by the Court.

On 16 September, the Committee will restate the candidates in the 2022 disputed election and open campaign.

From 17-20 September, the Committee will handle logistics and outstanding issues, including printing ballot papers.

On the day of the extraordinary congress, there be a candidates’ debate, to be followed by polling, counting and announcement of votes. Grievances arising from the process, will be received as of the announcement until 4:pm on the 22nd instant, while the Committee will address grievances on the 23rd.

Preparation for the induction of the Officers-election on the 30 September, the 60th Anniversary of the Union, will begin on the 24th. The Interim Committee will work with the newly elected officials for the execution of its final mandate.

Long live the PUL and Happy 60th Anniversary.  A PEOPLE UNITED, CAN NEVER BE DEFEATED!


  • Peter Quaqua
  • Frank Sainworla, Jr.
  • Winston Monboe
  • Teah Doegmah
  • Malcolm Joseph
  • Helen Nah-Sammie
  • Jacob Parley
  • Peter Kahler
  • James G. Kaizolu
  • Prof Weade Kobbah-Boley
  • Emmanuel Abalo
  • Suah Deddeh
  • Melissa Chea-Anna

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