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YWARPD Hosts First Time Voters Town Hall Meeting With Rep. Candidates In Montserrado County

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As part of the project titled “Young Democrats Program:  Mobilizing First Time Voters to Support Democracy Values, Electoral Processes and Enhance Sustainable Democracy in Liberia,” is the Young omn’s Actions for Rights, Peace and Development (YWARPD) has hosted the first in a series of First Time Voters ’Time Hall Meeting with Representative candidates in District 2, Montserrado County.

The project, which is supported by the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), seeks to increase first time voters’ turnout in the 2023 election and to further empower young women and men to build a community of young civic actors who are passionate about democracy.

District 2 has about eight candidates and invitations were extended to each candidate to participate.  The incumbent representative Hon. Jimmy Smith was out of the country and did not participate.   Two of the candidates, P. Edwin Tisdell and Sheik Konneh participated in the engagement, which brought together about 60 First Time voters from across the district.

The event provided the platform for the two candidates to present their platforms to the First Time Voters.  This was followed by a question-and-answer period, with the candidates answering questions from the Moderators and also from the audience.  The candidates were also allowed to pose question to one another. The next debate will be held in District 8, Soneiwein on September 13.

Meanwhile, as part of the project, YWARPD Has launched a First Time Voter Civil Education Campaign under the theme:  Our Democracy, Our Election, Our Votes, Our Future!  The campaign will include public engagements with first time voters, music and distribution of flyers and posters aim to not only encourage first time voters to vote but to also work to ensure nonviolent, free and fair elections.

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