FeatureLiberia Society

America Is Falling Apart -Only Citizens, Not Politicians Can Rescue America

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Re: Rev. Krua’s Juneteenth Speech: “Righteousness Exalts A Nation”


On the 250th Anniversary of the Boston Tea Party, Rev. Torli H. Krua Files Historic Lawsuit Against US Government Seeking Mitigation of Codified Racism By The US Congress and Restoration of Inalienable Rights of all Americans Regardless of Skin Color

Boston, Massachusetts- Rev. Torli H. Krua has filed a historic lawsuit against the US Government for Hate Crimes (secret 1990 cable ordering racial discrimination), violating the “Inalienable Rights” of Liberians for two centuries and violating the rights of Liberian refugees excluded as beneficiaries of the Liberian Refugee Immigration Fairness Act (equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment of the US Constitution).

The lawsuit, filed on behalf of himself and Liberian refugee women and children unjustifiably excluded from humanitarian assistance in the United States, alleges that the US Government has failed to provide equal protection under the law to Liberians, resulting in systemic discrimination, inequality, hate crimes, and economic exploitation of Liberian visa applicants. The lawsuit seeks to hold the US Government accountable for its actions and to ensure that all Liberians receive the same legal protections as all US citizens.

The lawsuit is based on the US Government’s long history of discriminatory policies, unmitigated codified racism and violation of the “inalienable rights” of Americans of color, including forced relocation, colonization of African Amercns in Africa, violation of treaties with Liberia, land theft, and the denial of basic civil rights. The lawsuit argues that these policies and practices have resulted in significant harm to all Liberians unjustifiably excluded from the benefits of the Liberian Refugee Immigration Fairness Act, including poverty, poor health, and limited access to education, unlawful visa refusal, hate crimes and economic opportunities.

The lawsuit seeks to address these issues by calling for the US Government to take immediate action to provide equal protection under the law to all Liberians currently in the United States. This includes providing adequate funding for a joint Liberian-American-Native American commission of inquiry into two centuries of American Colonization of nonwhite US Citizens in Africa, US funding of a Sovereign Citizens Convention for the birth of participatory democracy in Liberia, US Visa Waiver for all Liberians to access education, employment and business opportunities in the USA without visa restrictions, refund of millions of dollars unlawfully collected from Liberian visa applicants since 1990, declarative judgment of unconstitutionality of the Liberian Refugee Immigration Fairness Act, inclusion of all Liberians in the USA as beneficiaries of the LRIFA, reparation for two centuries of American Colonization, have access to quality healthcare and education, and protecting Native American lands and resources.

Rev. Krua is committed to fighting for the mitigation of codified racism by the US Congress on March 26, 1790 and the restoration of the “inalienable rights” of all Americans, especially Americans of color who held ties and contributions to America before the American Declaration of Independence and ensuring that they receive the same legal protections as other citizens who are descendants of immigrants from countries worldwide.

Rev. Krua is launching a GOFUNDME campaign to secure funds for legal defense of protecting the  “inalienable rights” of all Americans and mitigating codified racism by the US Congress.  GOFUNDME: https://gofund.me/b242bde6


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