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CDA Holds Symposium On Sexual Gender-Based Violence

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By Kelvin Gonlah 

As part of effort to stop the spread of Sexual Gender-Based Violence (SGBV) against women and girls in Liberia, Cooperative Development Agency (CDA), through its Office of Gender, Youth Promotion, and Program Development, has ended a one-day workshop on Sexual Gender-Based Violence against and women and girls.

It was held under the theme, From talk to Action: Let’s Join Hands To End Violence Against Women and Girls and to Achieve Beijing +30 and it training brought together Staffs and members of CDA together to have an insight and carry awareness on 16 Days of Activism across Liberia in SGBV and to foster more inclusive environments; equipping participants with knowledge and strategies to combat violence against women and girls.

Participants carried banner with an inscription, “Violence Against Women and Girls isn’t a Culture it’s a Criminal Equality Cannot Come Eventually, it’s Something We Must Fight for now.”

The workshop was facilitated by Madam Augusta M. Watson, the Deputy Registra General For Gender, youth Promotion and Program Development at CDA; provided an insights on recognizing signs of abuse, legal frameworks for protection, and the importance of building a culture of respect and accountability in the workplaces.

At the training, staff of CDA brainstormed on critical issues surrounding sexual and gender-based violence, particularly its impact on women and girls in professional careers, schools, communities and Liberia at large.

As part of the commitment, CDA staff and members have taken the initiative to engage directly with communities, spreading awareness and encouraging action to combat Gender-Based violence. Also, the Agency’s leadership is actively observing and supporting these efforts at the office, ensuring a coordinated and impactful approach to this important campaign.

“This initiative reaffirms the CDA’s dedication to promoting gender equality and creating environments where women and girls can thrive without fear of violence or discrimination,” Madam Augusta M. Watson added.

Participants expressed their commitment to implementing the knowledge gained; ensuring that the Cooperative Development Agency (CDA) remains a safe and empowering space for all. “We are delighted to have such a great initiative to carry on awareness in various institutions and communities about Gender-Based Violence against women and girls in our Liberian society.

This initiative is a wakeup call for every Liberian to fight against the violation of women and girls rights.

“We are cognizant that our sisters and mothers are abused and sometimes perpetrators go without bearing the full weight of the law. It’s our quest to the president of the Republic of Liberia to prioritize women’s rights across the Liberia; build a robust society for all ages,” said one of the participants.

However, Cooperative Development Agency (CDA), through the Office of Gender, Youth Promotion, and Development, has reaffirmed its commitment to promote woman and girls’ voices actively and end Violence Against Women and Girls in Liberia.


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