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SPORTS: River Gee Players To Get US$3K Cash Prize Offer From Sen. Dopoh, If…

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They win Sunday’s County Meet Final

PHOTO: Sen. Francis Dopoh Displays His River Gee Shirt

By Jerome C. Willie, Jr., 

As River Gee County prepares to go to its second ever final in the National County Meet on Sunday, May 5, 2024, Senator Francis Saidy Dopoh, II has promised to give the football team US$ 3,000.00), if they defeat Lofa County in the 2023-2024 final.

He made the public promise on Wednesday, 1 May 2024 at the team’s camp in Brewersville outside Monrovia.

Sen. Dopoh, who is also the Co-Chair on Youth & Sports at the House of Senate Sen. Dopoh made such pronouncement after seeing his team getting a ticket for the Grand final of the competition on Wednesday, 1 May at the SKD Sports Complex in Paynesville with his boys winning Grand Bassa County in 2-0.

He praised the team for their splendid performances against Bong County in a 2-1 win in the quarter final and 2-1 win against Grand Bassa in the semifinal.

The River Gee Senator who has been supportive to sports and especially grassroots football. He called on people the Leopard boys, River Gee County to put aside politics and forge ahead for victory.

Sen. Dopoh said winning the cup on Sunday against Lofa will place River Gee amongst counties that have won the country’s most prestigious sports tournament.

He wants every citizen of the county should put a brake on politics and work together for success on Sunday. He further urged that the victory on Sunday wouldn’t be a single individual glory but rather it should be a joint collective effort of all River Gee citizens.

River Gee County girls got defeated by Nimba County in the quarter final on Saturday, 27 April at the SKD Sports Complex.

Since the start of the competition, River Gee County football has never tasted a defeat.

River Gee County defeated Bong and Grand Bassa Counties to advance to the grand final of the competition.

This year’s edition marks River Gee County second final in the competition history since its introduction in 1956.

The Leopard of River Gee last appearance in the final was in 2009, when Bomi County defeated River Gee 5-3 to clinch the championship after River Gee defeated Bong County 3-2 in the semifinals of the competition.

The Leopard Boys of River Gee rubs shoulder with the Lion Boys of Lofa County on Sunday, 5 May at the SKD Sports Complex in Paynesville in the grand final of the football category of the competition; while in kickball, Rivercess and Nimba wrestler in game one.

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