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Fallout From Sierra Leone Alleged Coup Plot, As Liberia’s Justice Ministry Subpoena 2 GSM Companies

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Call Logs Of Suspected Coup Plotters Being Sought, As Interpol Says They’re Staying In Liberia

PHOTO: (L-R) Some Sierra Leonean soldiers at the Liberian Police headquarters in Monrovia and Sierra Leone ex-Police officer, Mohammed Yeatay Turay linked to coup plot back home

By Garmah Never Lomo,

TEMPLE OF JUSTICE, Monrovia- A former Sierra Leonean Police officer allegedly linked to a reported coup plot back home has surfaced in Liberia and is believed to have been making phone calls on Liberian GSM numbers, something that has prompted a flurry of Sierra Leone soldiers and security forces who are collaborating with this country’s police in the investigation.

Next door to the Liberia National Police (LNP) headquarters on Capitol Hill is the Temple of Justice, the seat of the country’s Judiciary, where the Ministry of Justice thru the office of County Attorney has issued a writ of subpoena Duces Tescum on one of Liberia’s two GSM companies, Lone Star Cell and Orange.

Details of the alleged coup plot in Sierra Leone remains scanty. But in wake of the June presidential and general election, this neigbouring Mano River Union country has been experiencing growing political turmoil which resulted into violence on the streets.

Montserrado County Attorney Alhaji Swaliho A. Essay wants Lone Star GAM company to assist with an ongoing investigating involving former police boss of Sierra Leone, Mohammed Yeatay Turay and others in connection with an alleged attempted coup in that neighbouring West African state.

Sierra Leone ex-Police officer, Mohammed Yeatay Turay

The Writ of Subpoena Duces Tescum says: The Ministry of Justice thru the office of the County Attorney for Montserrado County most respectfully pray your Honor and Court for the issuance for a writ of subpoena Duces Tescum to be served on Lonestar GSM corporation located on the Tubman Boulevard to provide details call log on cell #0880403484 as well as name, photo, address, Cell ID, Imei text messages and location of the subscriber.

The call log requested for the period from June 1,2023 to August 4,2023, says the Writ and the purpose is to assist the Liberia National Police to conclude an ongoing investigation.

The prosecution most respectfully prays your Honor.

Earlier in the afternoon hours of Monday, August 7, 2023, some Sierra Leonean soldiers were seen at the LNP headquarters but the purpose of their presence there were unclear and it remains unknown up to the publication of this news story.

Meanwhile, the head of Interpol has also written the Liberian Justice Ministry thru the County Attorney to issue writ of subpoena Duces Tescum on Orange Liberia GSM company to provide a call log on cell #s0778451988/0776089406 to assist the Liberia National Police in an ongoing investigation.

The Interpol communication reads:

“With compliments we wish to inform you that the Interpol division at the Liberia National Police is currently investigating a subversion/treason case which allegedly occurred in July 2023 in the Republic of Sierra Leone.”

According to the Sierra Leonean investigative documents, several Sierra Leonean nationals who organized and supported subversion are residing within the Liberian borders, precisely the Capital, Monrovia.

“We herewith request a writ of subpoena be served on the Orange GSM communication company order to make available a call logs on the above GSM numbers from June 1,2023 to August 4,2023 prior to and after the incident where these calls were transmitted,” according to the documents.

The Liberian government of President George Weah is yet to comment on the latest development on Monday.


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