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George Weah: The Dream, The Legend, The Rise To Power

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FLASHBACK: Pres. Weah delivering his inaugural address on January 22, 2018

Winston Salem, NC, USA – George Manneh Weah is not angry for being raised in the ghetto of Gibraltar, in Clara Town. Weah who is the greatest living African football player; having made a name for himself on football fields around the world and for the country he holds so dearly to his heart, has lived an extraordinary life.

But his life story has been clouded in mysteries. Having conquered the football world and scoring one of the biggest goals of his life by winning the presidency of the Republic of Liberia, George Weah’s life is fulfilled to an extent. Follow George’s story of struggles and undying hope in a world of unlimited pain for people born in the abyss of the poverty in this intriguing biography Georg Weah: The Dream, The Legend, The Rise to Power by author Emmanuel Clarke and coauthor Isaac Vah Tukpah, Jr.

This book chronicles the life of George Weah from birth to his path leading to the presidency of the Republic of Liberia. This first of its kind biographical account of the life of George Weah takes the reader on a journey with George as he grows up in the slums of Gibraltar, and throughout his football and political careers. Mostly based on interviews with Weah’s family members, classmates, close friends, coaches, journalists, political associates, and women with whom he has had intimate relationships, it gives the reader an in-depth knowledge of the life of George Weah. George Weah: The Dream, The Legend, The Rise to Power, reveals Mr. Weah up and close. As the book clearly demonstrates, often, knowing about a person from a distance is far different from knowing the person in detail.

Clarke and Tukpah are the first Liberian writers to masterfully craft the life of Africa’s greatest football legend.

In George Weah: The Dream, The Legend, The Rise to Power, the reader will meet George Weah within his element as he creates friendship and burns bridges with friends, allies, and supporters. It will take the reader down many rabbit holes, and into many alleyways on George Weah’s journey into politics. It unveils his many successes as a football player, and his weaknesses as an imperfect man and the leader of a youthful generation. Readers will be glued to the pages of this fascinating story and will even be left speechless long after reading this amazing biography of George Weah, Liberia’s enigmatic president.

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About the Authors

Professor Emmanuel Clarke is the author of more than 10 books. He has taught at Mercer County College in New Jersey, Burton County College in New Jersey, United Methodist University in Liberia, Forsyth Technical College in North Carolina. Prof. Clarke is the CEO of Clarke Publishing Group, which headquartered in Winston Salem, North Carolina, USA.

Isaac Vah Tukpah, Jr., also known as I. Vah., holds a B.Sc. in Economics from Cuttington University, magnum cum laude, and an M.B.A. from the University of Maryland Smith School of Business in the United States, magnum cum laude. He is a Project Management Professional (PMP).

In Tears and Blood * by Emmanuel Clarke

George Weah: The Dream, The Legend, The Rise to Powers

Trade Paperback; $20.00; 310 pages; 978-0-9898042-9-5; eBook; $12.99; 310 pages; 978-0-578-35607-5

To request a complimentary paperback review copy, contact the publisher at (663) 602-1769

To purchase copies of the book for resale, please email eBooks are also available.


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