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Lewis Brown, Former Liberian Amb. To UN Laments Sufferings Of Citizens Under Weah

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PHOTO: Lewis G. Brown, former Amb. to the UN

By Alfred Kollie,

Liberia’s former Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Ambassador Lewis G. Brown has strongly criticized President George Weah’s CDC government for being unable to reduce the hardships and sufferings of citizens.

He said that the continued suffering or hardships being experienced by Liberians under the leadership of President Weah is his achievement and his offer to the Liberian people.

Mr. Brown, who is currently one of the heads of the opposition CPP leader Alexander Cummings’ 2023 Campaign Team, observed that President Weah is only capable of dancing, playing, and having a good time and leaving the Liberian people vulnerable.

“The things you feel in your homes, the things you feel in schools, the things you feel in your communities; this is the best this government has to offer you, and still they say they want to go back, I want to see who’s stupid here. I know about you, but the president doesn’t able the job, the president doesn’t able the job,” the former Liberian Ambassador to the UN said.

Mr. Brown, who was also former Liberia Information Minister during the administration of former President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, noted that the less interest or importance to priority education is responsible for Liberians suffering making specific reference to the recent rice shortage.

Serving as guest speaker at the 13th Thanksgiving exercises of the Kollah Foundation Institute in Monrovia’s Paynesville suburb on Sunday, October 23, 2022, the Cummings campaign team’s executive observed that cost of living is increasing day-by-day. And he as such, he claimed that the CDC government continues to cut the salaries of public officials, something he said is creating more harm and suffering for Liberia.

He maintained that education is the way out of poverty and a key to leadership noting that the free education policy introduced by president Weah without teachers being paid is a ‘’ free stupidity’’.

“Anybody who told you that education is not important, that book does not matter, you have seen what they have not done in six years by knowing any book. Liberian men, women, and Liberian children climbing on each other on Lebanese man store for rice because book done matter,’’ former Ambassador Lewis Brown asserted.

He indicated that the first term in any administration is the best year for any president to show citizens that they have done and what they are capable of doing before asking for second terms, something he said President Weah has failed to do.

Liberia’s former Permanent Representative to the United Nations Ambassador Lewis G. Brown called on Liberians to correct their mistake made in 2017 by electing President Weah noting that the suffering will not stop until the country elects a serious person in 2023 who can transform Liberia.

“Things are so hard, things are so difficult that when we get a chance to celebrate young people when they are taking important in their life, parents we should do it,” the former Sirleaf government’s Information Minister explained.

According to him, in many communities across Liberia, too many young people are dropping by way through bad habits, crimes involvement in substance abuse or dangerous drugs, and frustration thereby giving up on their future, vision, and dreams due to the current hardship experienced in the country.

Ambassador at the same commended Martin Saye Kollah for contributing and investing in the transformation of young people and Liberia through education and his empowerment initiatives.

“Enough is enough, anything you can do not or did not in six years, you cannot do it in twelve years’’ he concluded.

Kollah Foundation’s CEO on mission of the group

In remarks, the Chief Executive Officer of the Kollah Foundation, Martin Kollah challenged Liberians, especially parents to find solutions to their current crying and difficulties by voting wisely for change in comes 2023 elections.

Mr. Kollah is Secretary General of the Musa Bility’s faction of the opposition Liberty Party which is aligned with Cummings Alternative National Congress (ANC) under the banner of the new CPP, Collaborating Political Parties.

According to the Kollah Foundation CEO, now is the time for Liberians to decide if they should maintain or continue their current station and condition in life and country.

Meanwhile, the Kollah Foundation is said to be a registered and duly recognized nongovernmental organization that operates two high schools and a Technical College in Rock Hill Community and Baptist Seminary and involves charitable services in District #6 in Montserrado County, where Kollah ran for Representative in 2017 but was defeated.

Currently, the school offers full scholarships for its academic, vocational and technical education as part of its initiatives in giving back to society and his district to several residents.

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