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Liberians, Remain Peaceful During Dec. 8 Polls–CNDRA Director General Urges

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 PHOTO: CNDRA Director Emmanuel Lomax switches on the X-Mas light

The Center for National Documents and Records Agency (CNDRA) Director General, Emmanuel A. Lomax is urging Liberians to remain peaceful during the Tuesday, December 8, 2020 polls.

DG Lomax said once the election is peaceful, Liberians will consciously elect their new leaders void of intimidations and harassment.

‘’I call on you to use this peace that has been so highly won by your determination and the international community to be jealously guided.

As we have peace, there will be more developments and more happiness amongst our people” he assured.

Mr. Emmanuel A. Lomax made the comments at the weekend, December 4, 2020, when he switched on the official CNDRA 2020 Christmas Tree on the grounds of the National Archives located 12th Street in Sinkor marking the commencement of the celebration of the forthcoming festive Christmas and New Year holidays.

Ahead of the lighting the CNDRA Christmas tree, Director General Lomax beseeched God’s protections and admonished employees to be their brothers’ keepers as they celebrate the 2020 festive season.

He intoned that ‘’Christmas symbolizes the birth, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ’’, underscoring the need to observe the festive season in ‘’love, unity and peace’’.

CNDRA Director General said the traditional lighting of the Christmas three gives Christian life, peace and hope as they progress to the birth of Jesus Christ.

In remarks, former Bong County Representative George Mulbah called on the national government to give full attention to the CNDRA in term of supporting the agency’s digitization plan.

According to him, the Liberian Archives needs to be equipped as Liberia’s only national repository where every information regarding properties, Land deed records and other legal instruments are registered by law and kept for future generations.

Mr. Mulbah indicated: “With the modernization and decentralization of the CNDRA, people will have no reason searching for their missing legal instruments in person at the agency but to access them from online”.

He emphasized that the government of Liberia is under moral obligation to support the Archives if we have to address land crisis across the country.

The National Patriotic Party (NPP) Vice Chair lauded the CNDRA administration for the numerous accomplishments in a short period at the agency despite the financial challenges.

Bong County former Representative George Mulbah described the Mr. Emmanuel A. Lomax as an innovative institution builder that has the pedigrees to make positive things happen.

For his part, Mr. George Howard, Commissioner at the Governance Commission (GC) asked employees of the CNDRA to give their unflinching support to the leadership of DG Lomax, so as to make the Archives better.

Commissioner Howard said without the employees backing and collaboration, the headship of the National Archives will not be able to complete more good things.

The colorful lighting of the Christmas tree was graced by an array of CNDRA employees, former and present officials of government.

The lighting of Christmas tree custom goes back to when Christmas trees were decorated with candles, which symbolized Christ being the light of the world.

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