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Liberia’s TB treatment success rate increases

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-Detailed TB Infection Control Guidelines developed

Incidence of Tuberculosis (TB) In Liberia is estimated at 308/100,000 population equivalent to 14,000 people, says WHO country profiles reported by the National Leprosy and TB Control Program (NLTCP).

The report was release over the weekend to coincide with the observance of “World TB Day” on March 24, 2018.

Authorities of the NLTCP say there is no let-up in the fight against this communicable disease, TB still remains a major priority to the government and its people.

In 2015, the case notification of 5,849 reflects the case detection rate of 41.8% leaving out many cases.

The estimates are said to be based on TB case notifications which are unlikely to be correct as there is evidence of under-reporting of primary defaulters and deaths, especially during the EVD crisis.

According to the report, the TB case notification improved by 24% in 2015; thus, placing the overall notification at 7,119 (56%) at the end of 2016. Liberia TB treatment success rate has increased from 68% in 2015 to 76% in 2016.

Similarly, the treatment success for retreatment cases was 53% in 2015 and 60% in 2016. The Program equally identified and enrolled nine Multi Drug Resistance Tuberculosis (MDR-TB) patients in 2015. Now with the introduction of GeneXpert in the last quarter of 2015, 92 cases were diagnosed and enrolled in 2016.

Currently, NLTCP has developed detailed TB Infection Control Guidelines and costed plan which has been rolled out in five facilities that have consistently reported a high number of TB cases in Montserrado County. There is an improved notification of DR-TB cases, effective early infant diagnosis (EID), and opportunity for integration of TB and HIV services.

With support from the Global Fund to fight AIDS, TB and Malaria (TGF) through the Liberia Coordinating Mechanism (LCM), the NLTCP is optimistic of turnaround in the TB epidemic in Liberia.

The report further says to achieve this, the program made projections for the identification of 313 (100%) of estimated MDR-TB patients, this 2018; 347 (100%) in 2019 and 377 (100%) in 2020 from 92 in 2016.

Increased treatment coverage was projected from 47 in 2016 to 162 (75%) of estimated MDR-TB patients in 2018, to 210 (75%) in 2019, and 225 (100%) in 2020.

Over the weekend, Liberia joined other countries around the world to celebrate “World TB Day”, as March 24 is set aside by the United Nations highlight the threats TB poses to the human race.

Official ceremony was held to enlighten the public on the global initiatives and innovative actions undertaken to stop the spread of TB, thereby reducing the death rates.

President George Manneh Weah issued a Proclamation declaring Saturday, March 24, 2018 as “World TB Day” which was observed throughout the Republic as a Working Holiday.

The acting head of NLTCP said the intend of both the global and national themes is placing focus on building commitment to end TB, not only at the political level with Heads of State and Ministers of Health, but at all levels from Mayors,

In 2015, the TB incidence  The case notification of 5,849 reflects the case detection rate of 41.8% leaving out many cases. The estimates are based on TB case notifications which are unlikely to be correct as there is evidence of under-reporting of primary defaulters and deaths, especially during the EVD crisis.

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