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LLA & Partners Conduct Regional Training On Customary Land Documentation

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By Emmanuel Mafelah,

The Liberia Land Authority (LLA) with funding from the Swedish International Development and Cooperation Agency (SIDA) is currently conducting a five-day regional training workshop on customary land formalization process and documentation in Gbarnga, upper Bong County.

The training is also being carried out with support from Lantmateriet through the Inclusive Land Administration and Management Project (ILAMP).

The LLA is conducting the training workshop through the Customary Land Rights Division (CLRD), which has brought together participants from (Rivercess, Grand Bassa, Nimba, Lofa and Bong counties), comprising of staff from the LLA county land offices across these five counties, Community Base Organizations (CBOs) facilitating customary land formalization, Surveyors, including technical staff from the head quarter of the Liberia Land Authority (LLA).

Similar training will be conducted across the fifteen counties within three (3) regions, beginning with Montserrado, Margibi, Grand Cape Mount, Bomi, and Gbarpolu counties in region one (1), Rivercess, Grand Bassa, Nimba, Lofa and Bong counties in region two (2) while Grand Gedeh, River Gee, Maryland, Grand Kru and Sinoe counties in region three (3).

From Gbarnga, the team next stop will be in Zwedru, Grand Gedeh County to finalize the fifteen days’ workshop across the county. Region one (1) recently held it training in Duazon City, lower Margibi County.

Giving the overview of the training on Monday, February 14, 2022at the Bong County YMCA Conference hall, Gmasoah T. Aboah, Liberia Land Authority, Customary Land Officer said its objective is to strengthen the capacity of LLA staff and partners.

This is being done through facilitating the formalization of customary land rights through the provision of training for effective and efficient supervision of formalization of customary land rights and implementation that leads to secure land tenure for rural and customary communities across the country.

However, Mrs. Aboah stated that at the end of the five days regional training workshop, participants are expected to have knowledge and understanding of the roles and responsibilities of LLA’s customary land rights division, basic knowledge and skills in facilitation and community entry in carrying customary communities through the six steps of customary land formalization, among other things.

Additionally, participants are expected to have an improved knowledge and skills in gender, women and youths land rights for effective participation in the formalization of customary land rights, enhanced knowledge and skills on mapping, an increased knowledge and skills and other areas.

In special remarks, the Commissioner for Land Administration at the Liberia Land Authority (LLA), J. Josephus Burgess Sr. urged the participants to be focused for the few days they are expected to undergo the training.

The LAA Commissioner is optimistic that after the five days, participants will be knowledgeable in addressing issues relating to land in Liberia. Commissioner Burgess wants all citizens across the county work and support the Liberia Land Authority for the betterment of land matters.

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