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OP-ED: Reflection Part Four – THE PROPHECIES

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PHOTO: The Author

By HUN-BU TULAY, # +231-886-517-356/777-111-032

Our mother land Liberia has wept for the past 178 years, and she continues to weep because she is dying gradually. She is currently in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) on life support. She has begged and is begging for help; she cries tears of blood. She needs your help, you must make a choice; help her or let her die without fulfilling the goal and aspirations of the founding fathers, who established a government for the purpose of promoting unity, liberty, peace, stability, equality, justice, and human rights under the rule of law, with opportunities for political, social, moral, spiritual and cultural advancement of their society, for their posterity.

These were the basic rights and opportunities they were denied prior to their departure from the United States of America because they were of the Negro Race. And for 178 years, we have not fully achieved these rights. In addition, the country remains one of the least developed countries in the ECOWAS Region.  If you let Liberia die, we all die with her. To the newly elected leadership, will you let her die? This is the million-dollar question to you and your team. Before you answer this question, we will take you into a bird eye perspective of the country’s history, especially when it comes searching for the leader that would transform the country. There have been many prophecies, but we will tell you about six.

The Prophecies

1798: This was before the establishment of the country or even before the arrival of the first ship (Elizabeth) that brought the freedmen of color to the shores of present-day Liberia. Many years before 1798, a young man from the north trekked northwest and landed in the Federation of the Western Mandingo Kingdom which extended from the West Bank of the Saint Paul River to present day Western Liberia, which includes Grand Cape Mount, Bomi, Gbarpolu and Lofa Counties in Liberia to Musardu in Guinea Conakry and part of Sierra Leone, Ivory Coast and Mali. The young man was an Islamic scholar and when he arrived, the legendary Chief Mabulu hosted him in present day Kamatahun, Lofa County. He lived in Kamatahun for three years and his fame spread throughout the Federation of the Western Mandingo Kingdom and the father of the future king Sao Boso/ Boatswain heard of him. He sent a messenger to his friend, Chief Mabulu, with a message asking him to send the Islamic scholar to his chiefdom to perform some works for his son. Chief Mabulu obliged. The scholar went to present day Gbarpolu and met the chief father. He was given the tasks to train his son in many things in warfare and he used the opportunity to teach the chief’s son, Sao Boso, Arabic and converted him to Islam.  That is the reason, when you read Liberian history, Chief Sao Boso/Boatswain is referred to as a Mandingo Chief. He was not a Mandingo, Sao Boso was Gola and a Muslim. But in this country, the majority of the population refer to all Muslims as Mandingoes. When the scholar completed his tasks, the father of the son, who later became the legendary Chief in Liberia, Chief Sao Boso killed him. But before he died, he told the Chief that his son Sao Boso would be the last legendary chief from his family lineage and that for the federation to prosper, they needed to honor an elderly man from the West. Liberians have waited for 245 years to elect a son from the WEST as president. Would Joseph Nyumah Boakai Sr. be that elderly man from the WEST? We wait and see what he does in the next six years. If he does not transform the country, Liberians might have to wait another 275 years? Remember the Israelis waited for 500 years for the Messiah.

1944: In 1944, a young man, who attended and graduated from two of the most prestigious universities in the world—Harvard and Columbia, Mr. Didhwo Welleh Twe was selected to deliver the 97th Independence Day Oration. Mr. Twe was delighted and expressed his sentiments on this occasion as follows:

“As the sun rises in the east and sets in the west, so the great revolutionary force which has influenced the progress of mankind has always come from the East and marched westward,  but never from the West to East, nor North to the South. The ancient civilization of Africa marched from Egypt to the West. “Where is he that was born king of the Jews?” asked the three wise men. And from the East, Christianity marched westward.

When Mohammed of the Islamic Faith lifted his sword, he pointed it to the West, and he marched from the East to the West. The Pilgrims Fathers planted Anglo-Saxon Civilization on the North American Continent not in the North, nor West or the South but in the end from the East.  American Civilization and democracy marched westward. To fulfill her destiny, Liberia must turn her back to the East and March westward”. Since D. Twe expressed these sentiments the Liberians people have democratically elected three sons from the southeast. Those who believe him further said that he was a young man, all these sons of the southeast were young (Tubman was 48, Doe said he was 35 and Weah claimed that he was 51 when he was elected.

1980: On April 6, 1980 three different sermons were preached at three churches and by three different clerics. The churches and clerics were as follows:

  1. Rev. Dr. E. Toimu A. Reeves of the Providence Baptist Church at the corner of Center and Ashmun Streets. His theme was:  “The Arrow with blood plummeting flies over Monrovia.”
  2. Rev. Dr. Samuel Ford Dennis preached at the St. Thomas Episcopal Church on Camp Johnson Road. His theme was, “DDD” meaning Death, Destruction, and Disaster.
  3. Rev. Mother Wilhelmina Dukuly of the Faith Healing Temple of Jesus Christ on Bushrod Island. Her theme was, “The Sea Covers Monrovia”. Go to LBS, and you might find the recordings because the sermons were live.

All these three sermons carried the same meaning. These sermons were interpreted by many people to mean that something bad would happen in Liberia. Six days later, the country experienced a BLOODY COUP D’ETAT during which the country’s leader was killed and ten days later thirteen former government officials were executed by FIRING SQUAD. Would we say that this was the correct interpretation of those sermons?

1983: It is alleged that on July 3, 1983, Mother Dukuly prophesied that George Weah would be president and that he would run for a second term and win. Prophecy cannot be this precise. Anyway, Mr. Weah lost the election in which he was seeking a second term.

 1999: It is alleged that in 1999, the late Michael K. Francis, Archbishop of the Catholic Church in Liberia sent a report/prophecy to the Vatican. For the purpose of this feature, we will quote only the last two paragraphs, follows:

The worst is not under Taylor, it is yet to come when mayhem will take the land and a dictator will rise, but no one who celebrates him will see by then, they will all be blind and will end up as a blind leading the blind.

At the end of that realm an astute statesman will rise, and the nation will prosper forever. Is Joseph Nyumah Boakai Sr. that astute statesman?  We will find out after six years.

2005: June 5, 2005 at an Intercessory Service organized by a ground called Friends of Brumskine at the Bethel World Cathedral in Congo Town, Sinkor, ten pastors prophesied that Charles Walker Brumskine would be the next president of Liberia. Unfortunately, he ran three times (2005, 2011 and 2017) but he was never elected. He died without becoming president of Liberia. This prophecy never took place. Would we say that it was a FALSE PROPHECY?


1798 Prophecy: The Islamic scholar said an elderly man would come from the West. Would Joseph N. Boakai Sr. be that elderly man from the west? Liberians have waited 225 years for this to happen. If he is not, then Liberians will have to wait for another 275 years making it 500 years since the prophecy just like the Israelis did, they waited 500 years. His performance will show us whether he is the one referred to by the Islamic Scholar.

1944 Prophecy: Didhwo Welleh Twe did not give any prophecy.  In fact, during the early days of the Tubman Administration, Tubman was greatly supported by Didhwo Welleh Twe. He was the brain behind Tubman’s Integrations Policy; he did the zero draft. Since the July 26, 1944, Independence Day Oration, the southeast has produced five heads of government (Constitutional Presidents: Tubman, Doe and Weah), and two interim heads of government (Dr. Amos C. Sawyer and Gyude Bryant).  Some people of the southeast believe and said that Twe said a young man from the southeast will be the one to transform Liberia. This is not true, He said in the July 26, 1944, Independence Day Oration “To fulfill her destiny, Liberia must turn her back to the East and March westward.” But, even if Twe had said a young man, the southeast had produced three young presidents over the past 79 years (Tubman was 48 years, Doe said he was 35 and Weah was 51). All these three were young men. It appears that the leader that will bring prosperity and transformation to Liberia will not come from the southeast given the leadership records of the three sons of the southeast. What Twe said in the speech was “To fulfill her destiny, Liberia must turn her back to the East and March westward”.  The people of the southeast interpret this to mean that it would be a son or daughter from the southeast that will fulfill the destiny, meaning they would bring prosperity and honor to the country.  With three sons democratically elected and two sons serving as Interim presidents over the past 79 years, the Liberians people have not seemed this prosperity and honor. It seems that Twe message was misinterpreted.

1980 Prophecies: The prophecies of Rev. E. Toimu A. Reeves, Rev. Dr. Samuel Dennis and Rev. Mother Wilhelmina Dukuly were real prophecies because Liberians did not have to wait for long. It took only six days.

1983 Prophecy: Our research indicates that Rev. Mother Dukuly did not make any prophecy in 1983 referencing who would become leader of the country. This is a false claim by people, who felt that this would help re-elect Mr. Weah. They said that the Rev. Mother Dukuly said Mr. Weah would be elected for a second term. Lost his second term election. In fact, nobody at Faith Healing Temple of Jesus Christ remembers Rev. Mother Dukuly ever making this prophecy.

1999 Prophecy: Archbishop Francis wrote that an astute statesman after the young man he referred to as Saul would emerge.  Remember the story of Saul. After Saul one faction selected his son Ishbaal who was anointed by the northern region, but the elders of southern anointed David. The southern region defeated the northern region; therefore, it was David that succeeded Saul. Those of you who read the Holy Bible know how David transformed Israel.  Do we have a David now? Would President Elect, Joseph Nyumah Boakai Sr. be that David Liberians have been waiting for? Let us wait and see how he will perform or like the Israelis will Liberians wait for 500 years?

2005 Prophecy: Ten Pastors jointly prophesied in 2005 that Charles Walker Brumskine was the next President of Liberia at the Bethel Cathedral. Unfortunately, Liberians did not have to wait too long to see that this prophecy was false. 

Do we believe in prophecy? This is the million-dollar question. We listed six alleged prophecies above, only one came to pass during our time and two are pending. Three were found to be intentionally untrue. However, we believe that there are men of God among us, and God speaks to them and reveals to them what would make them happy in the future but there are many false clairvoyants, therefore we have to be careful.

We would like to speak to the President-Elect directly. And if he listens to us, he might be elderly man from the WEST and the ASTUTE STATESMAN the Archbishop mentioned because these two prophecies are pending.

Fighting Corruption and winning

Corruption has different meanings, but the definition that we like best is that which was given at the United Nations Convention against Corruption. It reads, “Corruption is a form of dishonesty or a criminal offense which is undertaken by a person or organization/government which is entrusted in a position of authority, in order to acquire illicit benefit or abuse of power for one’s personal gain”. Forms of corruption include bribery, embezzlement, extortion, networking, under-the-table transactions, manipulation of election, money laundering and the list goes on. If an individual/ organization/branch of government is charged with the responsibility to distribute resources and a large portion of those resources is allocated to that individual/branch that is corruption. Mr. President- elect, you will have to first fight corruption in the first Branch of government. If you fail in winning the war against corruption in the first branch of government, it will be difficult to win the war on corruption because this branch has oversight responsibility of the other two branches, if this first branch is corrupt, the oversight will not be effective.

We all are aware that corruption erodes trust, weakens democracy, hampers economic development, and further exacerbates inequality, poverty, social divisions, and environmental crises.

In one of our features “REFLECTION – PART THREE, we lengthily defined history and said that historical events repeat themselves; and that if we read and understand historical records, we will find answers to modern days’ problems. Corruption is something that has been with mankind for over 2,000 years and some leaders have managed to defeat it. One such leader is Kuan Yew Lee. He wrote a book entitled, “From Third World to the First; “The Singapore Story, 1960-2000”. In his book he outlined how he fought corruption. We were fortunate to have been sent an abridged copy. It was sent to us by the former President Madam Ellen Johnson Sirleaf in 2009. We read the book more than twice. We recommend this book to any leader who wishes to fight corruption and win the war on corruption. WINNING THE CORRUPTION WAR IS VERY SIMPLE. IT REQUIRES STRONG LAWS AND ENFORCEMENT OF THE LAWS. This means, the leader must have the WILL POWER to ENFORCE THE LAWS WITHOUT FEAR OR FAVOR. When this happens, the country becomes free, and the resources taken by corrupt officials are freed and can be used for the development of the country. Corruption has been and will continue to be the greatest enemy of development.

We just read a copy of the first speech of the President- elect where he intimated that he will fight corruption with all the resources at his disposal. Other presidents (Tolbert, Doe, Taylor, Sirleaf and Weah) before him said the same thing. Tolbert declared war on corruption, Doe executed thirteen government officials for rampant corruption, Madam Sirleaf after fighting corruption for many years, and she nicknamed it VAMPIRE after she lost and President Weah did not even try, and instead he promoted corruption bald-facedly.  We say to the President- elect that corruption is a cancer and to defeat it, you have to cut-off its head, legs, arms, breasts, and other related appendages. You must have the POLITICAL WILL. PROMPT ACTIONS against corrupt officials would be needed, irrespective of their contributions to your electoral victory or family linkage. Madam Sirleaf failed because she could not act against family members, particularly her son.

Mr. President- elect, we will hold you accountable for the full enforcement of the constitution, particularly the following articles and clauses:

Article 5-c states that the Republic shall: “Take steps, by appropriate legislation and executive orders, to eliminate sectionalism and tribalism, and such abuses of power as the misuse of government resources, nepotism and all other corrupt practices.”

Article 6 reads: “The Republic shall, because of the vital role assigned to the individual citizen under this constitution for the social and political well-being of Liberia, provide equal access to educational opportunities and facilities for all citizens to the extent of available resources. Emphasis shall be placed on mass education of the Liberian people and the elimination of illiteracy.”

Article 8 reads: The Republic shall direct its policy towards ensuring for all citizens, without discrimination, opportunities for employment and livelihood under just and humane conditions, and towards promoting safety, health, and welfare facilities in employment.

Advice to the president- Elect; Prophecies are made, and all are part of history, there had been individuals, who believe they were the one prophesied and therefore they worked smart to do what has been prophesied. If this is true, the elderly man from the west the Islamic Scholar prophesied 245 years ago, and the astute statesman the late Archbishop Michael Kpakala Francis mentioned in his Report to the Vatican twenty-four (24) years ago; then you must work SMART. You must think out the BOX. You need to consider the following.

Selection of Cabinet Ministers: Every President often selects a cabinet to assist and advise him or her.  A variety of factors determine why someone is selected for a cabinet post, including ability, political compatibility, and geographical consideration. You must be confident and select a team. Look beyond each man’s foible and competing ego and see the talent, competence, and intelligence each one brings to your administration. Cabinet Ministers should be free to disagree with each other and with you on the approach for the betterment of the country. This will challenge you to do critical thinking after the discussion. Do not select Cabinet Ministers who will worship you. This has been the case with our past and present presidents and that is why they failed. One friend and I were invited to a political meeting. We arrived early and had some free time to chat with others who had come in time. The friend asked a rhetorical question, “Why do Cabinet Ministers lie to the President”? Members of the group proffered five different answers, but all five carried the same meaning which was, “They do so because they want to keep their jobs.” Such individuals do not belong in your cabinet.

You promised to have all political subdivisions (fifteen counties) represented in your government at full cabinet level as well as an inclusive cabinet composed of the opposition parties. If you do this, it will illustrate your political genius, maturity, and experience. This would signal the first step toward genuine reconciliation and lasting peace in the country. Select the most qualified and talented Liberians. The strongest men and women who are honest, committed, and dedicated to the development of the country because their services are needed for the economic and infrastructural development of the country. You cannot and should not deprive these sons and daughters of serving their country because they belong to other political groupings.

Let us share a story with you, which our father told us many years ago. He said to us that the story is about the late President Edwin James Barclay and his cousin, Chief Justice Louis Arthur Grimes.  He said, one day a gossiper visited Justice Grimes at his house on a Saturday Morning. After the usual greetings, he asked the justice, “who do you see as a MAN in this country’? Justice Grimes left him on the portico, went in the house and got a MIRROR. When he returned, he sat down and faced the gossiper and said to him, “I only see a MAN when I look in the MIRROR.” The gossiper left Justice Grimes’ house and ran to President Barclay and told the President that Justice Grimes was very disrespectful. President Barclay asked him why he said so.  In reply to the President’s question, the gossiper said, “Because Justice Grimes said he only sees a MAN when he looks in a MIRROR”. President Barclay said, “I personally do not like Justice Grimes, but I need him in my government because he is wise, respected, honest, committed, and dedicated to building a better Liberia”.  Be like the 17th President of Liberia; get as many Grimes on your Cabinet. There are many gossipers in the country, and they will come to you with malarkeys, listen to them but emulate Barclay.


It has been 73 years since the Liberian Government last developed a Five-Year Plan that was fully funded by the Liberian Government Budget.  At that time, the government allocated 20% of the National Annual Budget for the implementation of the plan.  To be that elderly man from the west or the astute statesman, you need to allocate 20% of the national budget to a FIVE –YEAR DEVELOPMENT PLAN of the country. This will help accelerate development activities. The country Budget is not people-friendly/people center. Over the past eighteen years, recurrent components have been more than 50% of the national budget. This has to change. Best practice in budgeting is 30% of a budget. We have never seen allocation in the budget for Capital Development over the past eighteen years.  It is time to allocate an annual fund for Capital Development. We suggest a minimum US$100 Million or maximum 20% of the National Budget.  Last time the government of Liberia did this was in 1950. The plan targeted critical areas that would change lives of the ordinary citizens (Education, Agriculture, healthcare, water and sanitation, roads, energy, seaports, airports, and public administration). Under President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf Administration, she tried by developing the Interim Poverty Reduction Strategy and the Poverty Reduction Strategy, but the objectives were not achieved because her government did not link these documents to the government budget. The activities were lifted to be funded by the development partners. At one cabinet retreat, she asked, why the progress was slow. She was told that the activities were not aligned with the national budget. At that retreat at the Baptist Seminary, she instructed her cabinet ministers and heads of autonomous agencies to align the activities to their budget. At the next retreat, there was an increase in implementation. If the executive and Legislature work together, our budget can fund 75% of our development activities. We are spending money on non-efficacious things.

We need to review the government’s depreciation policy on vehicles. New vehicle depreciation should be six years. The procurement of expensive vehicles for government ministers and Legislators should be discouraged. For a country struggling to emancipate its people from the shackles of poverty, it makes no sense to procure vehicles for the ministers and legislators at a cost of US$50K or above. Our research shows that during the Tolbert’s Administration, Ministers, Legislators, etc. procured their own vehicles. Only five officials of government, the government procured vehicles for, they were the President, Vice President, Speaker, Chief Justice, and the President Pro-Tempos. We need to return to this practice. Utility vehicles were parked at 1800 hours.

There is a need to review the salary structure from Assistant Minister upward. The Legislators’ salaries and benefits need to be reviewed as well. It is insane for our ministers and legislators to earn more than their peers in Nigeria, Ghana, Ivory Coast, etc. These countries have far bigger national budgets than Liberia. We cannot continue to live on false hope. If we do not sacrifice, we will never build the infrastructures we need for the social and economic transformation.

We hope and pray that passing brown envelopes will come to an end. Mr. President-elect, the expectations of Liberians are high, and they believe that your administration will resolve all their problems. They look up to you as the MESSIAH. Liberians are waiting to judge you on the first few appointments of cabinet members particularly those who you appoint at the below ministries and agencies.

  1. Ministry of Justice                                             6. Liberia National Police Force
  2. Ministry of Finance                                            7. Monrovia City Corporations
  3. National Drug Enforcement Agency               8. Paynesville City Corporation
  4. Ministry of Agriculture                                       9. Liberia Electricity Corporation
  5. Liberia Water & Sewer Corporation                10. Health

These are institutions, whose functions directly impact the life of ordinary Liberians.

YOU are referred to in the ECOWAS Region as Mr. Clean. Your appointments should reflect the caliber of person you are. Find Liberia’s best minds, Liberians who believe in your vision and mission and the slogan “Think Liberia, Love Liberia, and Build Liberia.”

As we close, we want to leave you with the type of Liberia as envisaged by the late Archbishop Michael Kpakala Francis of the Catholic Church in Liberia. On the observance of his 77th Birth Anniversary, and the Golden Jubilee celebration of his Priestly Ordination the Archbishop, who was a highly venerable and renowned clergyman spoke in Silence at this time. He was sick, so   the Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Cape Palmas, Most Rev. Andrew Jagaye Karnley disclosed that the Archbishop asked him to tell Liberians in SILENCE not to follow “SAME SEX MARRIAGE” in Liberia.  The Inquirer Newspaper dated 14/02/2013 carried the story.  This message delivered by Bishop Karnley might have been one of the last from the Archbishop because he died three months five days after this message. Unfortunately, the outgoing administration of President George Weah has since signed the SAME SEX MARRIAGE Document.

In an interview with George H. Nubo of “The Perspective in Atlanta, George on December 28, 1999, the Archbishop after he was awarded the Robert H. Kennedy Human Rights Award was asked by Mr. Nubo this question: “What does this award mean for you and Liberians”? The Archbishop answered, “It is a recognition of the work we are doing and continue to do. I represent so many others who have strived and are still striving to create a society where JUSTICE reigns SUPREME, where there is respect for the FUNDAMENTAL HUMAN RIGHTS of the individual…. and provide the necessity for PEACE. For human beings to be respected, we want to have GENUINE PEACE AND RECONCILIATION IN THIS COUNTRY.”

We ask you to think about these words of the late Archbishop who fought for the fundamental rights of all Liberians for over forty years. The late Archbishop’s vision of the country was No same sex marriage, Drug Free country, better education and health system for the population, Justice and rule of law, respect for females and the elderly, corruption free society, employment for the youths, better social services (water, sanitation, telecommunication, electricity, transportation), and a society where there is PEACE and all people genuinely reconciled.  As you prepare for the task ahead, remember the Archbishop and the things he stood for, and his spirit will GUIDE you as you take the necessary strides to make Liberia better.







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