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Pres. Weah Threatens To Sack Senior Government Officials

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The President in Sinoe County-PHOTO credit: Executive Man

By Our Staff Writer

President George Weah has threatened to dismiss senior government officials who take no initiatives to settle land disputes within their respective counties, speaking last weekend on the latest leg of his tour of counties,.

Settlement of land conflicts, the President said, are cardinal to sustaining the peace in Liberia. The President made the statement when he appeared as guest on a community radio in Greenville, Sinoe County, where he is visiting as part of his ongoing county tour. Sinoe and River Gee Counties have an unresolved land conflict.

“You can’t allow your people to be fighting and you’re walking up and down saying you’re going to work because if anything erupts, we will not work”, the President frantically intoned.

Land dispute has been a common source of commotions in Liberia since civil war ended in 2003. Rivercess and

The Weah described the people of Sinoe and Rivercess as the same people and called on their leaders to help settle their differences.

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