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Sadness Hits Gov’t & Country Over Public Works Min. Mobutu Nyenpan’s Death

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PHOTO: Late Min. Mobutu Nyenpan

MONROVIA, Oct. 30 (LINA) – Mourning has ensued in Monrovia amidst the death of Public Works Minister Mobutu Nyenpan, the Liberian News Agency reported on Friday..

Minister Nyenpan died on Friday, October 30, 2020. He has been undergoing treatment in Accra, Ghana having suffered a stroke in early September.

President Weah has expressed deepest sadness and grief over the death of his Public works Minister, says an Executive Mansion release.

The Liberian Leader said the deceased minister will be remembered for his humility, family value, love for country and strong work ethics which resulted in the development of many rundown infrastructures in the country.

His death, according to the release, has created a deep void in the cabinet; but will also personally impact the Liberian Leader who had come to regard the Minister as a friend and brother.

It can be recalled that the Minister received a special plaudit from the President last year as a mark of encouragement for his dedication and service to the country.


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