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SUP defies University of Liberia authorities by resuming political activities

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By David S. Menjor

The leading student political party at the state owned University of Liberia (UL), Student Unification Party (SUP) have openly defied a recent suspension placed on all political activities on UL campuses by students

SUP officials and supporters recently stormed the Capitol Hill campus of the university with battle cries and chanting of slogans, calling on all existing political parties on the campuses of the UL to go ahead and practice student politics with no fear of administration or government.

Prior to the parade, which saw hundreds of students in jubilant mood around the facilities of the UL Capitol Hill, SUP held a major press conference declaring all student political activities opened as of Sunday.

“The Vanguard Student Unification Party has with immediate effect lifted the unwarranted ban on student political activities on the campuses of the University of Liberia,” the press statement signed by the secretary general, S. Ephraim T. Nyumah and approved by the party’s Chairman,” Carlos Tingban Eddison said.

Last January the UL administration imposed the indefinite suspension. In a press release, they said “no political group shall assemble or hold meetings or engage in any political-related activities on any University of Liberia campus during this period of suspension.

ÜL authorities said the suspension affects political/solidarity marches, political gatherings, the wearing of symbols and emblems depicting and promoting campus-based political groups, student protests, among others.

Carlos Tingban Edison, who the press statement said officially approved of the lifting of the ban on student politics on the campuses of the UL, also sent a special warning to the president of the University Dr. Ophelia I. Weeks and Government of Liberia against any attempt to reverse their (SUP) decision.

“We want to inform the students of the University of Liberia and all well- meaning Liberians that the unwarranted ban on all student political activities on the campuses of the University of Liberia is anti-democratic and dictatorial in its totality,” SUP said, adding “We have exalted all diplomatic means to have the ban lifted; regrettably, the administration of the University has deliberately refused to restore our rights to freedom of association and free speech. Therefore, SUP has with immediate effect lifted the ban on student political activities.”

It may be recalled that on January 11, 2019, the administration of the UL suspended with immediate effect all student political activities with backing from “Rules 9, 10 and 11 of the UL Student Handbook which states: “No student shall for any cause whatever insult, assault or batter teachers, staff, fellow students and other university personnel or visitors to the University campus.

According to the UL administration through the office of the Vice President for UL relations, Attorney Norris Tweah, students of the UL under the stewardship of SUP are fond of employing violent means to settle disputes or problems they usually have with administration on how activities of the university are proceeding each time.

“Insubordination shall not be tolerated, hostile and disrespectful behavior towards university authorities, government officials, visitors or university personnel and the use of provocative, abusive or other obscene language on campus, whether against government officials, university employees, other students or otherwise, is prohibited. The penalty for violation shall range from warning and suspension to expulsion as the gravity of the case might warrant,” the UL public relations office noted in its decision taken in January this year.

When contacted via mobile phone, the standard bearer of SUP, student Martin K. N. Kollie said his student political party has no regret over its actions, more so that the UL administration and President George Weah led government have reneged on their promise to lift the ban on student politics on not later than February 15 this year (already passed).

“Meanwhile, the chairman (Carlos Tingban Edison) has warned the University’s Administration to stop dancing on distorted tune of the crumbling government of George Weah which is enshrined in an orchestrated plan to silence critical institutions and individuals. At this time, we will ensure that the campuses of the University of Liberia remain unfriendly to all anti-democrats and constitutional deviants like George Weah,” Mr. Kollie referred to his party’s press statement delivered yesterday.

According to Kollie, a meeting was held in the auditorium of the Fendall campus of the UL with students, faculty and administrators in attendance on January 29, a date on which he said administration assured them (students) that the ban was temporary and could be have been lifted on February 15 this year.

“Unfortunately they have failed on their part to deliver on the promise made to us. We have waited patiently for weeks to see that they do us justice by lifting the unwarranted ban but sadly, they have missed the mark,” he said.

He added: “Our action today signaled that we are not joking and we call on the UL administration to immediately endorse our decision today by officially lifting ban on our student political activities on the campuses of our university or else, they should forget about administering the final exams which are coming soon.”

Kollie said SUP will leave no stone unturned to disrupt the pending final exams for 2018/2019 academic year.

“We are ready for this and we are not afraid of any consequences that may come along with our actions,” he said unapologetically.

“In a mass gathering of students at the Capitol Hill Campus of the University, the erudite chairman of SUP said all campus based political parties, particularly the thinly existing Student Integrated Movement (SIM) of the late illiterate Master Sergeant Samuel K. Doe and the crumbled Student Democratic Alliance ( STUDA) of a British detained War Crime convict – Charles Taylor as well as county based Associations  are now at liberty to exercise their democratic rights which include freedom of association and free expression of ideas,” he referenced the press statement delivered yesterday.

In another development, Mr. Kollie said, SUP has informed all of its veterans, militants and ideologues that the Book of Condolence for two of its ideological veterans, Senator Geraldine Doe-Sheriff and Deputy Minister Ernest Varfee is still opened at the Capitol Hill Campus of the University of Liberia and everyone of SUP is welcome to sign in as the party mourns the deaths of the two former statespersons.

All efforts, particularly through phone calls and a text message to get a response from the UL authorities through the office of the Vice President for UL relations, Attorney Norris Tweah did not yield any result, except lack of response.

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