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Sweden Funds US$1.6M CENTAL Project To Promote Integrity, Fight Corruption In Liberia

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L-R: Swedish diplomat, Elizabeth Harleman, CENTAL’s boss Anderson Miamen at the signing ceremony

The Center for Transparency and Accountability in Liberia (CENTAL) and the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA) have signed a partnership agreement in Monrovia for implementation of the National Integrity Building and Anti-Corruption (NIBA) Program in Liberia.

The Agreement was signed on Tuesday, August 11, 2020.

CENTAL will receive funding to implement a 3.5 years project, beginning August 2020, that targets Montserrado, Nimba, Grand Cape Mount, Bong, Grand Bassa, Rivercess and Gbarpolu Counties, a CENTAL press release says.

The objectives of the NIBA program are to: Increase Citizens’ Access to Relevant Information and Mechanisms to Demand for and Take Actions Against Corruption in Liberia by December 2023; Increase Advocacy Efforts Against Corruption in Liberia by December 2023; and Strengthen CENTAL’s Capacity to play her independent monitoring and advocacy roles in Liberia by December 2023. CENTAL will receive a maximum of Fifteen million Swedish Kronor (SEK 15,000,000)—an equivalent of US$1.6million—under the agreement.

Speaking at the signing ceremony, the Head of Development Cooperation at the Embassy of Sweden, Madam Elizabeth Harleman expressed optimism that the partnership will contribute to the fight against corruption in Liberia.

She noted that the partnership is only just starting, despite years of engagement between CENTAL and SIDA, and urged CENTAL to embrace the opportunity to contribute to change in Liberia.

For his part, the Executive Director of CENTAL, Mr. Anderson D. Miamen, extended gratitude to SIDA and the Swedish people for the trust and confidence reposed in CENTAL to implement the NIBA program in Liberia.

He added that a culture of integrity is essential for Liberia’s progress and that the program will involve multi-stakeholders in its drive to meaningfully contribute to integrity building and anti-corruption efforts in the country. He added that CENTAL can only make impact if stakeholders, especially ordinary citizens are actively involved in discussions, processes, and activities related to the program.  

Key activities include: establishment of an Advocacy and Legal Advice Center to receive, document, and forward Corruption Cases/Complaints to relevant integrity institutions for redress; holding of open expenditure/accountability forums; and sensitization and awareness raising campaigns.

Others include establishment of Integrity Clubs in four (4) private and public Universities; advocacy engagements with Policy Makers; and development of an Annual State of Corruption Report (ASCOR).

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