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Top CDC Gov’t Officials Boycott Dr. Joseph Says Guannu’s Funeral

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PHOTO: Buried in his native hometown in Sanniqquellie City, Nimba County

By Garmah Never Lomo,

SANNIQUELLIE, Liberia- Over the weekend mourners gathered at the Gompa funeral service and onward to Sanniquellie City, Nimba County for the funeral and burial ceremonies of an iconic Liberian historian, Dr. Joseph Saye Guannue, but it was boycotted by top officials of the CDC government of President George Weah.

Dr. Guannu’s immense contribution to the Liberia and education sector was never remembered by the Liberian government.

From poor health to his dying bed, Dr. Guannu the government clearly showed lack of concern and some even said had forgotten about the established Liberian historian and academic for over three years. And to confirmed the indifference, top government officials were visibly absent at his funeral as was the case during his illness—many did not even identify with him during his prolonged illness. A Time With Ailing Liberian Historian And Statesman, Dr. Joseph Saye Guannu – News Public Trust

This action by Weah’s government has become the talk of the time in Nimba County and its surroundings towns and villages, with Edith Gongloe Wreh taking to the airwaves of a local radio early Monday morning October 17,2022, expressing her disappointment in the Liberian government.

Those who attended the funeral service were mainly his keen men including lawmakers from Nimba County but from the higher up, no top officials were seen at the funeral.

Dr. Togba Nah Tipoteh (Left) and Cllr. Tiawan Gongloe paid tribute to the fallen Liberian historian

Some of those who attended the funeral are Cllr. Tiawon Gongloe, Dr. Togba Nah Tipoteh, senator Conmany Wesseh of RiverGee County, senator Prince Y. Johnson, Liberty Party embattled chairman Musa Bility and president of the United Methodist university and Judge Yamie Quiqui Gbeisay including local District Education officers and County Education and students and member of the Armed Forces of Liberia.

Officers among several others

A Liberian educator and writer, Dr. Joseph Saye Guannu was forgotten Nationally in Liberia after he began battling illness without any National assistance given to while on his sick bed in Sanniquellie, Nimba County with the exception of outgoing Chief Justice Francis S. Korkpor who always used to strech hands to him.

According to the late Dr. Guannu’s grandson, his grandfather died at the Ganta United Methodist hospital in Ganta, Nimba County at 8:30pm after they left the same hospital one week ago.

Grandson Guannue who was his care taker said, his grandfather wasn’t suffering from sickness that where they could spend millions of dollars and from the past four to five years, he there bathing his grandfather, changing and even checking on him at night.

Prince Guannue explained on yesterday, August 29,2022, he left his grandfather at home after providing his normal care and went to school but upon his return from school, he met his grandfather coughing and he called a community nurse who prescribed some medication on scene and later advised that he should be taken to the Ganta United Methodist hospital but upon their arrival, Dr. Guannue was already dead.

“Everyone posting this death news on social media including people whom he greatly helped, couldn’t even assist him except Chief Justice Francis S. Korkpor but they are the one posting on social media.

“I’m here this morning to wake him up and bath him but I can’t see anyone on the bed, it hard for me and I’m still feeling that he’s around me” Prince Guannue explained in tears.

Prior to his dead, he stopped eating rice and he was living on creamer wheat and trying to wash his balance clothes as I await other family members but at the moment, he has been taken to a funeral home.

After his immensely contribution to the Liberia and internationally what will he be remembered for?

He has authored several books, most notable of which are Liberia History before 1857, Liberian History up to 1847, The inaugural addresses of the Presidents of Liberia from Joseph Jenkins Roberts to William Richard Tolbert Jr. (1848 -1976). Others are An Introduction to Liberian government: The first Republic and the People’s Redemption Council from 1983-1985, Liberian Civics 2004-2010.

The Perennial Problems of Liberian History 1989, and Nation-states and challenges of regional integration in West Africa, among other captivating and educative writings.

The Guannus are a proud family and Prince made it emphatically clear they were not out appealing for support and that his grandfather is being well cared for. Guannu is father of five – most of whom are in the United States.

Dr. Guannu was born in September 1940 and died on August 29,2022 at the United Methodist hospital in Ganta.


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