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Welcome To Mamba Point As JNB/JKK Clean Up Momentum Runs Out Of Steam

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The Way The Eastern Approach To Mamba Point Diplomatic Enclave Looks @ About 1:30Pm March 7, 2024

Writes Frank Sainworla, Jr., fsainworla@yahoo.com

It would seem that “the more things change, things remain the same,” a colleague of my responded when I told him I was taking photo of the latest appearance of the road leading up to the diplomatic enclave of Mamba Point from the Johanson side this Thursday.

As I said in a short piece I did on a tour of Monrovia recently, the sanitation picture in the suburb of Monrovia and the city center continues to be aweful and needs urgent attention by the authorities who must spur the citizens into action, enforce the city ordinance and put our messy sanitation condition in order.

This is how are started after seeing the sorry state of the Duport Road Junction.

Liberians are noted for kicking off good and positive initiatives but are poor on staying the course. Ahead of the inauguration of Liberia’s 26th President Joseph Nyuma Boakai and his Vice President Jeremiah Kpaan Koung, the momentum for cleaning up Monrovia, Paynesville and other parts of the country was high and organizers vowed that they will carry on. JNB/JKK Clean Up Momentum Runs Out Of Steam, Just Over One Month After Taking Office – News Public Trust

So, on my way to Mamba Point on Thursday, March 7, 2024, the messy picture was no different from Paynesville and other parts of central Monrovia. as you can see in these pictures.

And so far, the leaders of the JNB/JKK cleanup campaign, one of whom happens to be the new Monrovia City Mayor, are yet to speak to the continuous messy conditions across Monrovia and its suburbs.

This hilly road overlooks the coast of the Atlantic Ocean in the very heart of Monrovia.

What is mind-boggling is that city and national officials drive through these areas morning, afternoon and evening. Don’t they see the mess? Don’t not only they but all of us Liberians see that this is a national disgrace on the main public streets?

Indeed, something needs to be done and done urgently.

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