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With 7 Demands, Liberians In America & Africa Mark 44th Anniversary Of April 12, 1980 Military Coup

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Including US Citizenship, Participatory Democracy & Reparations For American Colonization

Democracy Now! Democracy Forever!

44th Anniversary April 12, 1980 Coup

As America & Sanctioned Senators & Former Warlords Prioritize War Crimes Court, Citizens Demand Participatory Democracy & U.S. Visa waiver For All Liberians (Education, Employment & Equal Opportunities) & Refund Of Visa Fees & Reparations, among other things, says a statement issued today, Thursday, April 11, 2024 by by the Universal Human Rights International founded by Rev. Torli Krua.

On April 12, 1960, 17 enlisted men from the Armed Forces of Liberia (AFL) staged a bloody military coup in this West African state and assassinating President William R. Tolbert, Jr. More than a dozen of his officials were executed by firing squad later in April.

Contact: Rev. Krua, Founder UHRI-8572499983

WHAT: Press Conference Capitol Building Monrovia, Liberia

  1. Lawsuit Krua V. USA: Aims To End American Colonization, Refund Millions in Fraudulent Visa Fees, Reparations & Immediate U.S Citizenship
  2. Sovereign Citizens Convention Ganta, Nimba County July 20, 2024
  3. Participatory Democracy For Africa: Born In Nimba County- Contract With The Master-The Citizen
  4. All African citizens must join the march for mitigation of colonization, not political independence controlled by western colonizers
  5. All Liberians in the USA Must be included in the Liberian “Fairness” Act immediately
  6. Reparations must begin with refund of millions stolen through visa scheme
  7. Termination of 1st & 2nd Class Citizenship: U.S Visa Waiver of all Liberian Citizens:

Who: Rev. Torli H. Krua, Founder The Free Liberia Movement

Roland Kartie-Plain Truth Revolution

Sunny Gibson Candidate House Of Senate Nimba County

Harry Gbusseh Candidate Senate  House Of Nimba County

Where: Capitol Building Monrovia, Liberia

When: April 11, 2024

Time: 12:00 Midday


On July 4, 1776, the United states of America became the 1st country on Earth to be established on the BLUEPRINT of “inalienable rights” for all human beings. Prior to this event, the Monarchy was a deception, falsehood and crime against humanity because they made  people believe a lie that they had royal blood and they were superior to everyone. White supremacism, like monarchy, is also a deception and falsehood that makes people believe Europeans are better than other human beings. There are 43 monarchies worldwide, with twelve (12) sovereign monarchies in Europe. Seven are kingdoms: Denmark, Norway, Sweden, the United Kingdom, Spain, the Netherlands, and Belgium. Together monarchies and white supremacy are responsible for colonization worldwide, killing of people who resisted colonization, stealing of lands, labor, and natural resources.

In 1778, before the Constitution of the USA was written, Massachusetts became the first state in the world to draft a Constitution based on the BLUEPRINT of “inalienable rights” of all human beings: “All persons are born free and equal…” The Massachusetts constitution led a Black Slave to go to court and challenge her enslavement in the Landmark case: Brom & Betts V. Ashley, that led to freedom of a slave, establishing the legal precedent slavery was a crime against humanity.

On March 26, 1790, the US Congress dominated by corrupt politicians and slave masters, including future U.S. president James Monroe, codified racism, when they voted to pass the 1st Nationality Act which introduced Apartheid in the world for the very first time; only “white persons” were eligible for US citizenship. This law was a crime against humanity and it disenfranchised all personas of color who were indigenous Americans with ties and contributions that predate the American Revolution, American Declaration of Independence and the BLUEPRINT of “inalienable rights” for all human beings!

After the United States rejected the BLUEPRINT of “inalienable rights” of all Americans, the corrupt politicians started thinking of ways to remove indigenous American citizens to replace them with European Immigrants, hence “America the Land of European Immigrants.” The corrupt white supremacists, slave masters and hig- ranking politicians formed a society with only white members, without the input of the people called the Society for Colonizing

The Free People Of Color of America. It was a voluntary association, not registered or incorporated until 1837. It was these corrupt white supremacists, American politicians and slave masters who envisioned, designed, created,named and governed Liberia in America and two decades after Liberia was planted as a seed of corruption with 1st & 2nd class citizenship in Liberia, West Africa, using three laws passed by the U.S. Congress, the force of the US Navy, $100,000.00 American taxes to fulfill American domestic and foreign policy objectives since the Indian Civilization Act & the Act in addition to Acts prohibiting the slave trade of 1819.

According to the deed for Liberia, it was created for settlement of “American citizens”, not freed slaves. The land was robbed or purchased by two employees of the US Government, using American taxpayers money and the arms of the US Navy used by Captain Robert Stockton. Liberia is a deception. Liberia is not independent and was never independent. Liberia is not a democracy. The politicians, not the citizens, determine the term of office, the salaries and benefits of politicians who are elected based on how much money they have in their possession. The election laws are determined by the politicians and rigged to favor corrupt politicians. The choices presented to the people during elections and the decisions made in regards to the natural resources are made in the interest of foreign governments, foreign investors and not in the interest of the people.

The United States of America is an everlasting colonizer of indigenous Americans.In 2024, The United States still colonizes Liberia with American citizens as the top officials and opposition. The first ten presidents of Liberia were American citizens. With the 1st and 2nd class citizenship poor Liberians remain poor and are being discriminated against.

The Presidents, Top lawmakers are Americans yet the United States Embassy collects millions of dollars from poor Liberians in a fraudulent visa scheme. We are calling for a US Visa waiver for all Liberians, to access education, employment and business opportunities in the USA without visa restrictions, not just for politicians.

We invite all Liberians to join us in Ganta Nimba County for the birth of participatory democracy at the Sovereign Citizens Convention where the citizens will decide the term of office for their public servants, the salaries and benefits for their public servants ballot initiative for citizens’ participation in policy and law making because the citizens are masters of a democracy: “Government of the people by the people and for the people will be brought to birth on the continent of Africa for the very first time, in Nimba County, the birthplace of the African Union.


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