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2 ArcelorMittal Workers Killed, Others Seriously Injured In A Railroad Collision In Nimba, Liberia

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Nimba County─ Two workers of ArccelorMitttal Liberia have been been killed with several others seriously injured in a railroad accident in the northeastern Nimba County, the AML has confirmed.

In a press released late Tuesday evening, the giant iron ore mining company said the incident happened in the early hours of Tuesday, January 11, 2022, around Kilometer 196 in Nimba, when a rail equipment carrying maintenance crew came in contact with loaded wagons stationed on the rail line.

This is the latest in a series of crashes on the rail line between Nimba County and the port of Buchanan in Liberia’s southern Grand Bassa County in recent years, but most of the previous ones have not been this serious.

The AML said Tuesday’s incident resulted in serious injuries to 6 AML employees, two of whom later died. A full investigation has been launched into the cause of the accident., the release said.

ArcelorMittal Liberia’s emergency response and technical teams responded and the injured were evacuated from the scene for medical care.

It is with the deepest sadness that ArcelorMittal Liberia announces that two of its committed staff have succumbed to their injuries after being medically evacuated by helicopter to hospital.

AML will continue to work closely with the dedicated medical professionals to treat the injured and have put in place plans for possible evacuation of the injured to adjacent countries for advanced medical care, if recommended by doctors.

ArcelorMittal Liberia has temporarily suspended rail operations and will continue to support its employees in this terrible period of grief.

The company extends its deepest sympathies to the families of the deceased and solicits the prayers of all for the recovery of our colleagues as they are being cared for in the hospital.

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