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2019 EUROLIBERIAN Film Festival set for December in Liberia

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-Focuses on Gender-Based Violence and Cultural Heritage 

MONROVIA, Liberia –The Delegation of the European Union to Liberia (EU), in collaboration with the Government of Liberia through its National Authorizing Office (NAO) of the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning, is thrilled to announce its third EUROLIBERIAN annual film festival, featuring European and Liberian films, an EU press release says.

The film festival will include 15 short videos from Liberian female filmmakers on the topics of gender-based violence and cultural heritage.  

From 25 November to 9 December 2019, the doors of multiple venues in Monrovia and Kakata will open to the public for free screenings during the 2019 EUROLIBERIAN Film Festival.  In the capital city, events will take place in New Kru Town, Sinkor, Slipway and in Kakata. 

Taking place during the period of the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence, the theme of this third film festival is “Stop the Violence, Make the Change”. The festival will offer a rich program of Liberian and European movies, short films and documentaries raising public awareness on gender-based violence and showcasing the rich diversity of Liberian and European culture.  

Accountability Lab will be showcasing 15 short films made by women Liberian filmmakers. 

An often under-discussed aspect of gender-based violence is the role of men. Though men are often the perpetrators of gender-based violence, they can also be agents of change. The films will also offer an opportunity to reflect on this issue.

On the topic of cultural heritage, the film festival will feature the Malawala Balawala hit TV comedy series from the 1980s. The Project Coordinator of Kriterion Monrovia, Ms. Pandora Hodge said that the series was refurbished by the Liberian Broadcasting System and is being made available for public viewing.

She added, “Having another look at the show gives Liberians and others a chance to reflect on their culture and how the roles of women have changed in Liberia after the war.”

The EUROLIBERIAN Film Festival is organized in partnership with the Liberian student organization, Kriterion Monrovia, and Accountability Lab. Following each screening, the organization’s dynamic young animators will facilitate public discussions centered on the film content. In addition to film screenings, the festival will include free workshops on storytelling and video production featuring some of Liberia’s best traditional storytellers, filmmakers, and musical artists.

For more information about the film festival please visit Kriterion Monrovia and Accountability Lab on Facebook.

For more information on the EU-Liberia Partnership please visit: 

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